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Confused about dosing instructions for herpes medication

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Planned Parenthood gave me an Rx for acyclovir for recurrent herpes outbreaks - 400 mg, one pill, three times a day for five days. That's pretty standard, and I usually see improvements within a day or two. I ran out of refills and asked my GYN to send one. She sent 400 mg, two pills, five times a day for ten days. This is standard dosing for shingles, not recurrent HSV-2 OBs, which the office did verify that I take it episodically for HSV-2. I'm not sure if it was a mistake on my GYN's part or if it was intentional so that either I feel less awkward filling the Rx (which I no longer care) or so that I can have more pills on hand while avoiding potential refill/insurance conflicts, etc. I plan on taking the one pill, three times a day for five days regimen since that works just fine, but has anyone else had these shingles-like dosing instructions or have any idea why my GYN would send such a heavy duty Rx?

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The first time around was from PP. It also was a different GYN in the office who prescribed them (mine is only af that location one or two days a week). Either way, I guess it doesn't matter :P




I figured it may just be a difference of opinion as well. Either way, having the extra pills on hand makes me feel much better because going to the pharmacy on my school/work schedule is a hassle lol

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