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My technically 1st disclosure

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Hey all! it's been a while, but I'm here to tell you about my first disclosure. Technically, it's my second disclosure, but the first one was telling the guy gave me herpes to begin with so I don't really count that one because I feel obligated to talk to him about that one. Long story short, I have been in a rocky relationship with my giver since being diagnosed last December. I know it's a safety crutch but it just been hard, as most of you know, to face that feeling of "forever alone". I met this guy and I've been talking to him for a little over a month. I've wondered when the right time to tell him would be and I just felt like I'd know when the time is right. He hasn't persuaded me for sex we typically hangout at the waterfront, go to the movies, sit on his roof and talk. He makes sexual texts but nothing harsh and if I didn't have herpes, I'm sure I'd respond to very well. I've been cautious at keeping our relationship in the tone of getting to know one another. Well last night we came from the movies, I dropped him off, and we ended up making out in the backseat of my tiny Elantra. I loved very moment of it. And while he thought nothing separated him from the prize but a maxi dress and some underwear, I knew from the moment we kissed I wouldn't go that far as my moral compass wouldn't allow it. On my way home in between composing my body temperature, I decided I wanted to tell him as soon as I could. Today he stopped by to see me and I decided to just blurt it out. I told him and even gave him a small bout of statistics. It seemed to go well. He hugged me before he left and even expressed an urge to slap me on the ass lol. He told me to call him when I get back cuz I'm going out. Even if I never hear from again, I couldn't have asked for a better person to disclose to. He didn't make me feel like some outcast lepered weirdo. I feel like such a weight has been lifted off me!! It feels so good and I have him to thank for this high I'm on. I'll keep you posted on whether I hear from him!

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update: he called this morning to tell say good morning and we had a typical convo. I want to give him time to process it, so I didn't mention it or ask if he thought about what I said. I'm also a huge fan of having serious conversations in person when at all possible so id rather wait to talk about it again at that point. So far no changes tho :-)

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