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Anyone else HSV positive with absolutely no symptoms???


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Just tested positive for HSV2 Igm 3.02. My doctor suggested I get a blood test due to inflamed pap smear. I said I've never had any symptoms, ever!! She said get the test as a piece of mind. Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me. It seems as if everyone else had had OB's or bumps, but I have never had anything unusual. If i did, I would have gone to the doc immediately. Confused!

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See i've never even had an initial outbreak, no "ingrown hair" no razor bumps, no pimples. I'm dumbfounded by this diagnosis. Thinking I should get a retest. I know if I walked into a clinic wanting a test without any signs or symptoms I would probably be told I am fine. Dr. asked if I wanted to start medication...for symptoms I've never experienced. I declined

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I've never had any symptoms and it's been about three years since I tested positive. It's totally possible. And when I say no symptoms I mean nothing, I'm very in tune with my body. Knockin on wood daily that it stays that way. My doctor also gave me meds that are in my bathroom cabinet and have probably expired.

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First of all ... the IgM test is useless and any Dr worth their HSV Salt would know that ... please go to an OBGYN/Planned Parenthood and not a PCP/Family Dr for anything to do with your genitals from now on too... Primary Drs are usually waaay behind the 8-ball when it comes to HSV and PP/OBGYN's are the Vaginas R Us of the Medical world :)


That said, 80% of the HSV population has not idea they have it because they are asymptomatic or have such minor symptoms that they don't recognize them.


I suggest that you get the IgG test now, and if it's not positive, test again at the 4 month post symptoms ... that would give you a better idea. If your numbers are between 1.1 (considered "positive" by many Dr's) and 3.5 though, you could still be having a false positive .... 40% of tests in that value that are from asymptomatic people are false positives.... in which case I'd suggest you get the Western Blot test to give you a definite result... rather than look for 1 or 2 proteins (which most tests do) it looks for 16 ... so it's MUCH more accurate.


Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... they can order the test for you through Quest Labs. It costs $5/minute for a consult … cheap IMO for clarity and/or peace of mind.


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