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Healing after sex (or cut?)

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Hello everyone!


So I have a question - I know that sex can trigger an outbreak, which I've experienced before. I know an outbreak you're supposed to let heal and then wait 5-7 days for sex again.


But what do you do in the case of a cut that you got during sex? I checked right after I had sex and sure enough, there was a small cut (I had a very bad primary that left the base of my opening really tender).


Given the immediate timing, I know it's a cut from sex. So does this mean that I need to let it heal and still wait! Or can I let it heal and be on my merry way?


(This same question goes for, say, a cut you got when you were shaving.) I guess my biggest question is: is an injury "down there" always an outbreak? Or do you let it heal like a normal injury without the added safety day buffer?


I am on suppression meds and we use condoms.

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Thanks @2legit2quit


When you say that's where your ob's were, were they OBs triggered by sex? Or you'd feel a prodrome and then there would be a cut there?


I guess my question is mostly around whether the thinner skin/cut should be considered an outbreak - can an outbreak happen immediately or even during sex (and we're talking a matter of minutes, not a marathon session :) )


Like, for example, if you were shaving and sliced your skin down there - you felt it happen, you cut yourself no doubt - is *that* now considered an outbreak?


Thanks for helping us newbies navigate!

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No, that fissure was my first symptom after sex when I caught H. I've not had sex again since then, but I kept getting a fissure there when I had an OB the first several months. Yes, I believe it can happen pretty quickly, eapectso sokn after your first OB, because the skin hasn't completly returned to normal.


I personally consider it being the virus is active.


Shaving is different, but at the same time H does like the path of least resistance, so an injury to the skin coukd be a trigger. When it comes to H, there isn't a whole lot of black and white, there is a lot of grey area unfortunately. So long as you sense no symptoms soo after a nic in the skin, I wouldn't worry too much.

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Not black and white is so right! My initial ob was a fissure (pretty sure that was the point of entry) but the rest were numerous more traditional sores.


I do think I'm starting to figure out my body, and it's kind of exciting! I've gotten several "outbreaks" (not related to sex) and I get the traditional tingle/itch and then it shows up a little while later as a blister-like single outbreak. I definitely consider those outbreaks!


But then there's the fine line - I've had sex with my beau a few times, and *during* the sex I'll feel a little "ouch!" (The first time was a big ouch - tried to show off my flexibility, bad idea!) right where my big fissure was. So now, I'm left with really believing that this is a tear, but paranoid that it could turn into something more.


I know herpes can thin the skin and increase tearing, but when is a tear considered outbreak? I had a similar question about "when is razor burn just razor burn"? Consensus there was to wait until things calmed down, but that we may not need to wait a full ~7 days since that had a reason. Wouldn't a tear be a similar reason too?


Knowing that herpes likes to be opportune, of course I would never do anything while I had a tear (also...ouch!) I will watch it carefully to see if it grows, changes or heals.


I'm very open with my partner, and he knows whenever I'm having a symptom. - especially when the symptom is a confirmed outbreak. I have told him the general recommendations (wait 5-7-10 days after there is no sign of outbreak), and we have been taking it case by case.


Thanks again for all of the help - I tried to find this "cut vs outbreak" information in the forums or on the web, but it's all people that are hoping they don't have herpes and it's just a cut from sex. But mine is more specific :)


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I don't know hun, that's a black and white question you're asking. In all of my time through being sexually active, I've never had a tear like I had after sleeping w someone who had H, so from my experience, it is H to me. I think you need to let everything calm down, down there and you can do other stuff in the meantime.


A fissure absolutely can be considered an OB.. In fact, my fissure down there, always looked like it ulcerated after some time..the fact that it is as sensitive as it is, to me sounds like H is active. I think taking time to let it heal and calm down is best. Come up w a game.. Make it all about him. Candles, full body run, some hand and mouth work.. Use your imagination.

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I consider ANY break in the skin as a potential way for the virus to rear it's head... but never fear! That's the perfect "Opportunity" to learn lots of other ways to play :)




http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5807/list-the-ways-to-protect-my-partner-from-getting-herpes-hsv2 Safe alternatives to sex


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