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Funny thing about disclosure ...

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Twice now I have disclosed in potentially intimate situations, neither serious relationships. Both men were aware of herpes and comfortable with sexual activity, but for my own reasons, I haven't moved forward with full on intimacy.


But here's the funny thing. Both times it has led to disclosure on their parts - not herpes, but other things. Pretty serious, intimate stuff. It's just a reminder that we all bring something to the table - strengths and parts of ourselves that might need some work, or stuff that is just part of who we are and isn't necessarily a good or bad thing.


It's helped me to accept herpes as a part of who I am - not necessarily good or bad. Just something that is :)

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People with H seem to think that this is either the only, or the worst thing they might have to disclose to someone. What they forget is that the person who is bipolar, the person who had to declare bankruptcy, the person who can't have kids, the guy who lost a testicle to cancer.... these things often make people feel that noone will accept them with that "flaw".....


And yes, the Herpes conversation often starts sharing on very deep levels.... and that "opportunity" to be fully vulnerable with someone is a beautiful thing!









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