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Herpes Lesion/Sore present for 6 months


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I first found out I had herpes 2.5 years ago. I'm sure I don't have to tell you all how embarrassing it feels to find out you have this virus that you never thought you would ever get. After going to the doctors and getting prescriptions, the initial OB cleared up fully within a couple weeks. No remnants except a small black dot. I did not get another OB until 6 months ago, which only 1 lesion/sore show up in the nether regions. It 'healed' within a few days without taking any medications. For some reason the closed sore itself is still present but I believe it to be inactive.


Has anyone else experienced this? I've tried a few things to try to reduce it or eliminate it all together, but nothing seems to be working. What I am most concerned with is if it would be contagious during oral sex.


Thanks for your help!

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Well, I guess it's not exactly 'closed' because it is still there. It's hard to describe. It is past the 'wet ulcer' stage so it has 'healed', but not exactly to the dry scab stage. There are little white dots protruding at the top of it, but nothing ever comes out of it.


I believe I have hsv1, but I do not know for sure. I spoke with my doctor multiple times about getting a blood test done to see which type I have but she just tells me that the blood test is not accurate and the only true way of knowing what type is to test when I have an OB. I did get tested when I first found out but everything came back negative. Since my initial OB 2.5 years ago, I have only had 1 OB (only 1 sore). This is the same sore that just won't go away. I've made an appt with my doctor again to see what's going on.

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First - if you went to a PCP/Family Dr then you need to get to either an OBGYN (assuming you are a woman... not sure from your post) or Planned Parenthood ... they are MUCH more informed than a regular Dr. IMO no regular Dr should be dealing with the "nether regions"... It's like going to Walmart to buy tires for your car - sure, they have some knowledge about them but you are more likely to get solid advice from a place that specializes in tires :)


Also, any time a lesion/sore won't heal, you need to get to a Dr. But some things to think about: Could your underwear be chafing the area? Have you changed soaps? Have you tried going Commando to get the area to dry out? Have you tried Epsom Salts baths or Bactine to dry it up? So many possibilities. But for now, get to a Dr and get it swabbed ... if it's a lesion you will also get your answer about which H you have... if it comes back negative you know it's likely some other issue.

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Yes, I'm a woman (should of added that lol). Thanks for the help! I have made an appointment with my doctor for this week to see whats going on, and if she still doesn't satisfy my questions than I will insist on an OBGYN referral. I honestly don't think that it is H at all now though because I think it would have healed by now. From self diagnosis, possibly HPV?? Urghhhh...


Another question I have is: What are the rates of transmission for a female with HSV1 (genital) to a negative male who preforms oral?

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