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Informing people about "cold sores"

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Today, a friend of mine told me that I'd given him a cold sore (I don't get cold sores, he was stating it because I'd air kissed a mutual friend of ours who had a cold sore and then hugged him). This friend knows I have HSV2. I don't think he meant it to sound mocking, but I decided to have a little fun with him, and I reminded him that MY herpes are down south (well, that's my assumption). He kept going on about his "cold sores" and "fever blisters", and I kept responding about his "herpes". I think it bothered him to hear the word herpes in association with himself, but I felt the need to drill home that his herpes are no different than mine, just that he has to wear his on his face, but doesn't have to deal with the stigma.


It really is amazing, isn't it? The same thing, but it will never be seen the same.

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Oh trust me, it's pissed me off plenty talking w people and the same ones till they're blue in their face, time and time again. The denial is so strong. They're struggling w psychological dissonance and that's when denial and deflection is often shwon. It's actually those that are closet w me that treat it like a double standard and are in denial.

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speaking of the devil it is trending on FB well you can definately learn something on FB lmao smh the comments are just out of control of they would've caught me months ago I would get so down but not no more people are just I dunno what to say anymore they either say take a joke or protect yourself blah blah blah smh there's not point in explaining cuz j saw some folk tryna educate all they could say us ok you have herpes smh all 5th grade responses

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Me and my uncle were sitting around just talking about different things and he brought up a conversation concerning someone he knows has herpes. Well he doesn't know that I have herpes because I hadn't told but only three people. He went on cracking jokes which made me feel awkward. I quickly changed the topic of conversation. Well about two weeks after low and behold, he develops a cluster of cold sores on his lips. Talk about instant karma lol. People need to be careful of what they speak on because who knows, you just might end up being just like the person who u were making fun of.

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Yup... I've had H jokes cracked in front of me, a month after being diagnosed. Shockingly, I handled it well, but it still felt awkward. Like you, I changed the subject quickly.


It's obvious that people deeo down have this perception of what people w herpes would look like. They clearly say it, thinking that we aren't soneone who would get it in their minds, so it really goes to show you the prevalence of ignorance around it, because they wouldn't be so loose lipped, if they knew the real deal.

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