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Herpes scarring

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hello h squad!


I wanted to see if anyone has experience with an H scar.


In August, I got a large, 1 inch long paper cut on the left side of my clitorous. It was pretty deep, and bled. Then, in September, the exact same scar reopened, but just a portion this time thank goodness. Now, it sits there, kind of shiny.


It's not bothersome, really just feels kind of a thin part of my skin. I actually have a few more of these scars on my vaginal opening, too. They reopen with sex sometimes, and look a little bit white (even after over a month of no sex).


So, can I assume that this is a scar, and unless it's itching or is reopened, that it's not active H? My boyfriend and I are eager to try oral, but having this scar there (and it has never faded) weighs on my mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Impo , it's not that it's scarring, its just not ever completely healing. I had one spot that was like that for a long time and even after 1 yr and 4 months, it can barely look questionable. H can think the skin. As Dancer said in regards to the skin color. The only thing is, if it's presenting that ehiteish appearance and I know you know what I'm taking about, I don't consider that a scar...looks closer to am ulcer, bit not exactly.

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