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A gentle rejection after I disclosed... I guess :-(

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You have to be confident that you aren't going to pass it on to your partner. This means doing what you can to prevent transmission so when you disclose, they will feel that is ok. And if you take pills and use condoms, I think that's good reason to feel confident you won't give it to them- it's almost 99%


This inner feeling that you have to have about the situation. I'm not saying to lie to them and tell the it's 100%, but 99 or 98 is pretty good odds. They will feel your confidence about the situation.


Herpes can be a big deal for some, but for most, it's inly a big deal if you make it a big deal.

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You know, I see this happen ALL.THE.TIME. I used to think it was a joke when "experts" said that men "retreat into their caves" when this kind of thing happens, but I've seen it happen so many times, it's actually helped ME to be a lot less freaked about about men when they "disappear" for a few days. I've even had 2 guy friends tell me that this is how THEY act too... so it seems to be "normal" .... and they just don't get how much stress it puts on us women because WE tend to sit and digest and talk things through, so it's really foreign to us when someone acts this way. Just remember in future if you have anything else "big" happen that he may do this again ... that's your Wingman at work ... showing you how he acts when stressed :)


This is one of my favorite Youtube videos about Mens Brains. I watch it every time I am in your situation because it helps me to see that men just can't deal with something "scary" or "heavy" the same way we women do.... this is the short version... I STRONGLY suggest you watch the whole 2 hr version because it's pretty enlightening!




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