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I found out I have herpes this past Sunday. I have basically been crying since then. I went in for my annual exam for BC and the doctor noticed bumps that I thought were razor burn or ingrown hairs She said they looked suspicious but she wasn't 100% sure.I was given meds for good measure and she cultured. The results were positive. I'm seriously shocked. I have no idea how this happened. I've been inside my head, racking my brain trying to figure out at which point in my life did I come in contact with this. I have two beautiful kids. I had no issues with them but what if I had had it, not known, and passed it to them. I feel like I need to isolate myself. I've bought a separate hamper for my dirty clothes, tossed my bar soaps, I made it clear to my daughter that we can no longer share towels. I even disinfect the bath tub and toilet seat after I use it. Luckily, I have friends that have been there for me. The man I am dating has been very supportive also, he's never shown symptoms and he's planning on getting tested. grateful to that, but I can't help but feel ashamed and dirty(no offense).


What does this mean for my love life? What if his test comes back negative? What if it comes back positive? Am I never going to be able to receive oral? I feel like I'm going to have to wear a giant condom that goes over my entire body. I have so many questions. Do I need to be on my medication at all times or only during a breakout? What supplements should I take to care for my immune system? My symptoms were very mild, does this mean my next breakout will be horrible?


I have been researching and reading and googling. I'm so glad I found this site. I still have all of these negative feelings and my self esteem basically doesn't exist anymore but this site lifts my spirits. It conforts me knowing I'm not alone. I want to be proactive about this and I'm sure it will come as time passes. Thanks for providing a safe place .

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We the past is the past, so know point in thinking about what ifs. In regards to all the sanitization measures you're taking, are overkill. You will not spread it to your kids in any of the ways you described.


Did you take a blood test as well? There's a very good possibility he passed it to you unknowingly and he's asymptomatic. How long have you guys been together? Have you had razor bumps like this before? Have you never had symptoms before? Are they not painful or itchy?


What this means for your love life if he's negative, is discussing the risk of transmission and the courses if action you can take using condoms and antivirals to lower his risk. What was his reaction BTW?


Everyone feels dirty when they are first diagnosed. I felt I didn't have the right to feel sexy or flirt for that matter the first 5 mo ths after diagnosis.


You also didn't mention if it was HSV 1 or 2. If it was from 1, that was from oral sex andbhe likely already has HSV 1 orally and that's not something you need to worry about. If it's HSV 2, only 1-2% of the cases of oral herpes are HSV 2. It's rare to spread it to the mouth and it just doesn't like it. Most of the cases who have HSV 2 orally are severely immune comprised such as HIV.


It is at yours and your partners discretion on taking meds or using condoms. Probiotics daily, vitamin c, zinc, magnesium, b vitamins and vitamin D3 are very imperative to have for a healthy immune system.


If your in was mild, then your immune system is doing an amazing job and likely to continue as is or get even better.


This is a grieving process and everyone feels the way you do aflt first. Just be patient and give yourself time. You are still the same person you were pre diagnosis. Every living being on this planet, including animals, lives w life long viruses. In fact , 12% of our human genome is made up of viruses alone, not human DNA. Viruses were a part of our creation. It's just a part of life. If you've had chicken pox, that's a form if heroes, mino is a form if herpes. You are likely a carrier of 2-3 strains if 8 and have no symptoms of it, as we get these as babies or as kids. Just relax, it will be ok.

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They didn't tell me if it was HSV1 or 2. I have another appointment this Wednesday and I'm going to ask for a blood test. We have been dating since May. I've had bumps in the past but Ive always gone in to get them checked and have been told they were ingrown hairs another time I was told I had muluscom(not sure if I spelled that correctly). As far as his reaction, he was concerned and upset but not mean. Thanks for all of your advice!

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Yeah seriously. I just found out less then two weeks ago and my doctor called me at told me that it was HSV-2. So they definitely know when they get in the test results.


Don't beat yourself up over this. It could only bring on more OBs due to stress. Even though the herpes virus sucks and stays with you forever, it's very fragile outside the body. The virus can only survive 10 seconds outside the human body. Don't worry about the toilet seats or the soap, however, if you don't want your daughter using your bath towels anymore then that's your call. My main concern is not giving the virus to my boyfriends son so I'm in the same boat as you.


As for the dirty part your not, none of us are. I got mine from having make up sex. Some get it the first time they have sex and others got it decades ago. It's life, things happen and with 1 in 6 having herpes some of us can say we've encountered this virus more then once.

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