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So 3 months ago I had a strange encounter and it was unprotected. 2 days later I felt my testicles tingling and burning, then I believe I had my first breakout. Jock itch from hell, hurt to poop, itchy in my butt cheek. I thought al of that was from the antibiotic they gave me for clap or gon.. I also started getting little "fordyce" bumos on my lips. A month later I started feeling REALLY run down and sick, my glands in my groin, under arms, and groin would swell. I had this pain in my prostate as well. A couple days ago my genitals started burning. All the same places itch, but my skin all over feels dry. I've been to 3 doctors and they all say I don't have herpes. I think I do. I took blood tests and they say negative. I'm going to take another test and see what's going on. From what I'm describing does it sound like i could have herpes?


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What test did they run, how long was it after exposure, and what were the results?


If it was 3 months post exposure and you have a conclusive negative result you are likely in the clear, but if you wanted to be sure you might test one more time at 5-6 months. I suggest you go to Planned Parenthood because they have the most knowledgable people there as far as all the crazy shit that can go on around our private parts... you might be having some reaction to detergent, or your pants could be too tight, or you might have Trichomoniasis (http://www.cdc.gov/std/trichomonas/stdfact-trichomoniasis.htm) or a fungal infection. We can't diagnose here so your best bet is PP ...


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