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Nerve pain question

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Hi everyone


I noticed in some other threads that some people have nerve pain and are taking gabapentin. I have nerve pain around my vulvula and vaginal opening. I have been given gabapentin. I presume it is some sort of post herpetic neuropathy


Any ideas on how long i can expect this to persist?

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Are you taking daily antivirals? I know I had to take gabaoentin for four months after my primary. A mo the was weaning odd. Do not stop that drug cold turkey BTW. W that said, my nerves have never been the same. I'm not in pain, but I usually have tenderness in my buttock after sitting a long period and I can't deal w hard surfaces w no back support especially. I'm an anomaly, so don't think you'll be like this. My nerve pain was mainly in my buttock and back if thighs. How long since your primary OB now?

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Any ideas on how long i can expect this to persist?


Simple answer is we can't tell you. Some people it's weeks, others it's months, a few, over a year. Sorry - all you can do is try to address what you can to see if you can help your body to control the virus and stop the symptoms: diet, stress, not wearing tight pants, keeping the area dry, etc...

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