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Breaking Off Contact with Giver

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So, my giver was a close friend of one of my best friends. We had a mutual attraction and had made out once before the fateful night this year. We were there for each other this summer, as he went through his diagnosis and a move and as I went through my primary. We talked a lot for those first few weeks.


Since then, I've fallen in love, with a wonderful man. He's all the support I could ever need, and I don't think it's appropriate that I talk to my giver. We weren't close before, and though we shared a crisis experience and got closer, we haven't spoken since September (brief check in).


He just reached out as he's in town and wanted to see if I could meet up. I told him I couldn't, that I had plans this weekend. He asked if we could talk next week. I honestly can't, I'm fully booked.


But the truth is...I don't want to talk to him. I think it's unfair to my current partner, with all the support he gives, to kind of go behind his back to talk to someone I don't really want to talk to. My giver is a great, nice guy. But I just don't want to share anything more with him, and I don't want to be his support. (I'M A NICE PERSON THIS SOUNDS SO AWFUL).


Can anyone advise a nice, straightforward way to tell him this? Or is it okay to just tell him I'm busy, that I hope he's well, and that I'm doing good?

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