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More information on herpes testing?

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I was just diagnosed with Herpies. I've been with my husband for 9

8 yrs. we have a 6 yr old and 3 months I had extensive blood work done for stds cancer you name it I had it tested $500 worth of testing. My question. Is wouldn't that have shown up either when I had my baby or with those test 3 months ago. The reason I went to the doctor is because I had a blister that I thought was a ingrown hair and it turned out to be this. I makes me question my husbands faithfulness. Please help

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Ask for your medical records. It should say whether or not they treated you for it. Also, he could have been carrying it from before the beginning of your relationship and not passed it on. There are couples that go years without passing it to the other. It's possible that the stress of pregnancy on your body made you more susceptible.

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Unfortunately, there is no set time for 'dormancy' prior to onset of noticeable symptoms. Some people have breakouts within days of exposure, some much later, but most don't recognize symptoms at all.


I will let one of our resident experts give you better specifics, but I've heard of people finding out they carry the virus after 30 years of monogamous marriage.


I don't blame you for being concerned about potential infidelity but this virus is so tricky, and can hide in people so long, there is no way to know for sure if it was picked up prior to, or during your marriage.





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@miller we just had a female on here in your same boat. She had a "cyst" years ago, then goes into labor and had it again and mentions it and tuebs out to be heroes, so they did a c section. It is not uncommon for people to be asymptomatic and unaware of their infection. The fact you onkythad a blister, makes me think you've had it for some time did they diagnose you by swab or blood?

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Btw.. Heroes is not included in the standard full STD panel. If you don't ask for it, they don't test you. Docs more up to date, automatically teat a pregnant woman, bit old school docs haven't caught on.


When did you first noricea blister? Before or after your baby? You never had questionable symptoms prior?


There is no answer how long it can be dormant. Everyone is unique to this virus, because it depends on our immune system, which is as unique as our thumb print, so we can't give you a black and white anser on that. If you came up positive on blood, you have had it for four months to years long. If you were negative in blood and positive on swab, it's a new infection.


Hormones just from pregnancy alone, can trigger the virus to come out..

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@kimmie thank you so much for your help. @2Legit2quit I gave birth 6 yrs ago and I just found out the tue before Thanksgiving 2015. It was done by swab. I've never noticed anything before this. I actually thought it was a ingrown hair or something and it was such a small outbreak even the nurse told me she didn't think it was herpies and it went away with in 2-3 days with no scab. It was like a little knot and that was it. What is Heroes? They did 2 cultures one viral and one bacterial and the bacterial came back first with a little showing of staph so I thought ok I was right but then today she called me and said I tested positive for viral. They gave me meds for the staph but I only took like 2 days of the meds because they made me sick so I stopped and it went away within a few days. I actually didn't think much more of it until today when I got the phone call from the viral that it was herpies.

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Did you test by blood at all? If you came up negative in n blood now, that would indicate a new infection. Based on how minimal it was, I kinda suspect you've had it some time. I'd go back and look at your blood work from the time you said you testesbfir HSV and see if in fact a blood test was included in there. You also didn't mention if you had HSV 1 or 2? Half of all new gjsv cases are from oral sex.

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There wasn't any blood work just culture and they never told me what type, just that I tested positived. I've been with my husband for 8 yrs and never a sign at all. And it came and went so fast and the bacterial cultural tested positive for staph so I was surprised that the viral tested positived as well. I've called to see which type it is. I was so shocked I didn't ask.

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@2legit2quit I just spoke to the nurse and they didn't specify which type on the tear. I go back in feb and they are going to do blood work but I don't think I want to wait that long. I think I will make an appt with someone else to get blood work and for a 2nd opinion.

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My outbreak that caused my correct diagnosis of hsv2 was very minimal...one lesion scabbed over...and 1 beginning....they swabbed and it was positive...I am certain I have had it for almost 30 years, after reviewing records...I also have 3 grown children, never a problem...never a break out since my initial many many years ago, or one I noticed...

H can be tricky....it can show no signs...not spread...and you can go many years and not know you have it.....There really is no telling who gave it to who, or long you've had it, unless you were a virgin and faithful thru this marriage.

Blood test is your only hope to see if its a new infection, but there is a time frame to get that done in, or it will just show positive.

Good luck, hugs!

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