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Bactine wipes and some motivational quotes..

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Just wanted to share an idea that helped me.. My mom always made homemade baby wipes when we were little. Store bought baby wipes were not helping the itch or pain I've been experiencing so I decided to make my own with bactine! I bought the super soft durable paper towels and a bottle of bactine. I folded the paper towels into a good sized Tupperware container then mixed two cups of water with the bottle of bactine and poured it over the paper towels. I threw some in my purse for when I'm out and use one everytime

I go to the bathroom.. It's definitely helping with the pain and itchiness well see if it helps with cutting the on short.

Also my friend sent me a quote from Cheryl strayed... Nobody's going to do your life for you. You have to do it yourself, whether you're rich or poor, out of money or raking in it, the beneficiary of ridiculous fortune or terrible injustice. And you have to do it not matter what is true. No matter what is hard. No matter what is unjust, sad, sucky things befall you. Self-pity is a dead end road. You make the choice to drive down it. It's up to you to decide to stay parked there or turn around and drive out.

Hopes both of those help!


That's so awesome! What an incredibly great idea, especially since itching is the worst at night trying to sleep and you can wear that all night...


Yeah, I love Bactine... It's the bomb.. I've tried everything just about and nothing beats that and Epsom salt baths.


Amazing quote as well.


Yes! Those and a squishy ice pack is the only way I've been getting through this one. The quote is awesome she's written a couple of books too! I don't like the tea tree oil but if others do maybe add some of that to the wipes!


Yeah, I don't like the tea tree oil either... Easy to burn the skin, it dies burn applying it and the smell is sooo strong! I'd rather have something that doesn't hurt spraying it, numbs it, doesn't smell and dries it out and bactine was the answer for me.


That too! It's just easier for me to use as a wipe when I go to the bathroom. I'm sure either would work! Especially after I've been sitting in class for a while it gets so uncomfortable I'll just run to the restroom makes me feel so much better. On top of that it makes me feel more clean too lol as goofy as that sounds. It's definitely been helping me so hope it helps others too!

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