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Medication for HSV1

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Hi, I have a question since my nurse practitioner isn't being too helpful. Are there any studies on the effectiveness of taking an anti-viral for ppl with hsv1? I'm seeing my guy in a few days and I want to protect him the best I can (he's hsv1-). If I start the meds today, how long does it take to become effective? Idk if I have it orally or genital. Thanks for your time.

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Hey Msw_1! It's a good question. I just checked in with Terri Warren and she says to wait 5 days before the medication becomes effective. And for anyone else wondering, if you miss medication on a day, you double up on it the next day.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks @Adrial. Another Q, what are the odds of me having hsv1 orally or genitally if I haven't had an outbreak? I read that 50% of all gential H are from HSV1. Do adults actually get hsv1 orally anymore? A big part of me has stopped trying to figure it out & just wait for an outbreak to happen. Are there any cases of ppl never having outbreaks & thus not knowing where the virus is? Thank you for your time.

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So you have never had an OB? Then if your results were under 3.5 you need to get a Western Blot test. 40% of people who are asymptomatic with a result under 3.5 are false positive on the regular IgG tests.


Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... they can order the test for you through Quest Labs. It costs $5/minute for a consult … cheap IMO for clarity and/or peace of mind.


"Do adults get HSV1 any more?"


60% of young people have H1 orally by the time they are young adults

The other 20% probably get it in their younger years.... but that doesn't mean you can't get it when you are older. But I'm guessing the remaining 20% either have some kind of genetic/natural immunity or *perhaps* they have been exposed to tiny amounts enough to have just enough antibodies to fight it off when exposed. Who knows?


"Are there any cases of ppl never having outbreaks & thus not knowing where the virus is?"


Yup - 80% of the population with H don't know they have it.

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@WCSDancer2010: hi and thank you for your response. I actually paid and asked terry warren about the possibility of my results being a false positive b/c when I tested for it in June 2015 it was negative but when I was tested again at the end of November my IGG was 4. she said the false positive range for hsv1 is different than it is for hsv2 and that anything over a 4 for hsv1 is probably not a false positive. I decided to get a second test in January to confirm and it was still at a 4. It's a catch 22; part of me wishes I never got the test and the other part is glad to know my status. It's just frustrating esp when it comes to sex/disclosure.... which I'm going to do regardless (disclose that is), even though my NP says I don't have to :-/

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