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Difference Between Prodromes and Outbreak

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How do you define the difference between Prodromes and an outbreak?


And outbreak is indicated by the presence of blisters filled with transparent liquid, right?


How I understand it is this: Prodrome symptoms are the feelings that your nerves are giving as the virus travels down nerve pathways from your spine to the surface of your skin. The nerves become a herpes highway after the virus "wakes up" from hibernation due to stress or any number of factors. This doesn't necessarily mean an outbreak will happen, but it means there's some activity in your nerves and can be a signal that an outbreak might happen soon. An actual outbreak happens when enough shedding of the virus builds up to cause a reaction on the skin, and yeah, the classic herpes outbreak is blistered with fluid inside, but they can also show up looking like fissures or little papercuts or ingrown hairs, depending on the thickness of the skin and where the outbreak shows up.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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