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How far do you go to tell someone who seems to be ignoring you?

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I just found out in the last month that I have herpes2. Went through the hard part of telling the partner I'm with that I infected her. My problem is before her, I hooked up with a ex and I'm sure she is the one that gave it to me. I'm not mad at her just think she should know. I've sent her a txt and a facebook message to contact me and nothing. Do I just tell her in a message or do I leave a letter on her door. Maybe she knows and doesn't want to talk to me. I just need a little advice

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If she doesn't respond, I wouldn't go to any greater lengths to let her know...besides, you think it was her, but were you both virgins? Never cheat until seperation ? You can have hsv for years, even decades like myself, and not show signs or symptons.

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