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Feeling worthless

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You only accept what you think you deserve ... What do you think you deserve? What do you want to be deserving of?

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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@Adrial, just one of those days man. I've had this virus for quite some time and usually I'm ok, but there are times when I slip back into that feeling of no one will ever accept me. This feeling comes and goes just like my outbreaks lol. I had to try and make light of the situation. Thanks for your reply.

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I totally hear you. I've been there myself. We all have, my man. ;) And it can drastically transform your feelings to shift your mindset from feelings of worthlessness to considering what you do want/deserve. So I am actually curious and I'm going to ask again ... ;) What do you deserve? (Or at least what do you want to work toward feeling deserving of?)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Preach it! ;) (And I believe you.) Now the work is to practice truly believing that. Just like anything ... all it takes is practice.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I think if you max out other areas of your life or things that make you attractive, herpes will seem less and less important, assuming you are talking about sexual worth. There are many many famous "worthy" people with herpes, so don't don't buy into the stigma. At hats all it is in the end, isn't it.. a marketing campaign. We are fighting against those who are trying to make profit off of us- the pharmaceutical companies that started this whole stigma bullshit.


A lot of animals got herpes and it's not like they let it get in the way of what they are doing. Hell, animals will sometimes chew there leg off to escape a trap. Be like an animal and take a not-give-a-fuck attitude about what other people think about you.


Your sex life isn't over and it might actually get better than it would have potentially gotten without herpes. That's been my experience so far. I think herpes has motivated me to up my game more and I've been bedding some of the most beautiful girls of my life this last year. Could be a coincidence, but I'd bet not. Hence the whole "opportunity" in this. Look for the silver lining.


Go to the gym if you don't do that already.

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Having to sleep alone every night is pretty awful. When I'm feeling bad I look at people who have had arms and legs amputated or are bound to a wheel chair or have terminal cancer, then I focus on how fortunate I am that at least I can do something to make a difference in the world. But I get lots of inquiries about dating me from nice men and it REALLY sucks.

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My husband is H- after 20 years of marriage...he has stage 4 cancer and has just had yet another major surgery due to the effects of chemo. He always wears condoms during intercorse ( his choice) we have loads of unprotected oral. Nonetheless, I'm sure he'd rather have H than cancer any day.


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