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One word theme for the New Year?

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This isn't directly related to herpes, but I thought it might offer someone some inspiration as it has for me. A few years ago, I came across the idea of selecting a one word theme for the upcoming year (instead of making a bunch of resolutions).


In December 2014, it was obvious my ex and I were on the brink of divorce (the nail in that coffin came on January 2nd). I chose the word "Forward" to represent that no matter what happened--whether we stayed together or I found myself on my own, and no matter how bumpy either path would be, I would do my best to move forward. I can't even tell you how helpful that was. I put it on my bathroom mirror, a friend of mine painted the word on a rock, I made myself a poster, and even bought a necklace with an arrow on it that I still wear every day.


For 2016, I chose "Choice." I didn't know why exactly I chose the word--it just seemed right. Little did I know that a month into the new year I'd find out I have genital herpes. That word stared me in the mirror every day as I found myself a little pissed off knowing that I really did have a choice as to how I would react to this bombshell. Some days, it was a reminder about whether I wanted to live or die. It was a constant reminder that no matter how much of life was beyond my control, there was still a lot within my control. This word didn't necessarily bring me a lot of peace. More like it was just a daily kick in the pants about the choices I was constantly faced with.


In 2017, my one word will be "Connection." I severely neglected friendships during my 15 year marriage. The trifecta of divorce, being dumped by a new beau not long after my diagnosis, and learning to work through the shame associated with herpes has left me acutely aware of how much I've been shying away from connection at a time when I need it most. I'm definitely ready to change that.


Since the new year is just around the corner, I thought this might be helpful to someone else. I'd love to hear your word if you choose to share!


Mine is going to be persistence! I have so many things going on that I often get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing. I think I'm going to put it on the mirror also :)


This is a great idea! I think "connection" or "connectedness" would be my word of choice as well because I have been avoiding these things since my diagnosis.... I would add the word "deep connection," because this is what my life lacks.

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