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Hair loss?

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This whole hair loss thing has got me freaked out!!! I just started on suppressive therapy Valtrex and I keep hearing about hair loss! Is it something that would happen right away? Does your hair grow back if it does happen to fall out? How many of you out there have really experienced this? I'm so terrified. I have to take it daily because I am married. I'm wondering if the hair loss is from the stress of this?

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@mstanya1234 Is your hair growing back after the stress?

@Sweet76 how is your hair doing?

My hair has thinned out a lot and still falling out. New hair is growing in, but not at the rate it’s falling. Trying to stay positive. I am NOT on any antivirals, so the stress of herpes is causing this issue. Also, my nails are brittle and I know this is herpes related as some folks on here experienced that as well.




I hardly take the pills, I try to live my life as normal as possible took hair skin and nails gummies and my hair and nails are growing quite nice, it was breaking rapidly at one point I cut it off then braid it to grow it. I would encourage less stress and try to stay as positive as possible, the virus is here to stay it seems so life goes on, I am at this point with the support of my partner who helps me to keep a positive outlook on the situation and not be burdened by it, and that seems to help


@stupida first change your username you’re not stupid we all made a bad decision. My hair loss was from stress as well but I take Gummies for hair skin and nails! I’m not on daily medicine right now either. I’m just going to take medicine if I get an outbreak 


@mstanya1234 thank you for your response! How long did it take to finally start growing back? 

My hair loss started 5 months after inital outbreak and I can’t tell if it is growing back in yet.



Well to be honest herpes didn’t cause my hair to fall out it was stress! I don’t even know how long I’ve had it but when i found out i stressed so much lost 30 lbs and My hair even started turning gray because I waS stressing so much! I’m not sure how much it hair grown because I keep It braided but I can Tell it has! My nails have grown a lot and I’ve never had nails so I believe The vitamins are working! Try them I’ve only taken 1 bottle so I haven’t been on them long 

On 7/22/2018 at 3:12 PM, Yearsgoing1 said:

I hardly take the pills, I try to live my life as normal as possible took hair skin and nails gummies and my hair and nails are growing quite nice, it was breaking rapidly at one point I cut it off then braid it to grow it. I would encourage less stress and try to stay as positive as possible, the virus is here to stay it seems so life goes on, I am at this point with the support of my partner who helps me to keep a positive outlook on the situation and not be burdened by it, and that seems to help

How often do you take your pills?  I think I’m just going talk mine when I feel An outbreak coming! I dont Want to talk them every day 

11 hours ago, Stupida said:

@mstanya1234 I don’t take any AVs. I have been taking vitamins, but nothing seems to be working. I lose more hair than new hair growth. 

How long have you had HSV and what type?

I have Type 1 and 2. I really Don’t know how long I’ve had it but I found out about 2 years ago. No nocticeable symptoms until I found out hate I ever Went to the dr 😩😩! I think the hair loss is from stress. I’m trying my best not to get on AV I try to deal with the issues but try some vitamins for hair skin and nails and see if that’s will help. 

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