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How long does the itching last?!!

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I was diagnosed 10 days ago with hsv2 and my initial OB was pretty rough. My sores have healed and I finished my 10 days of Valtrex but the itching is awful!! It literally feels like little bugs crawling over my skin and I get little zings of shooting sensations. It's the most awkward wierd, uncomfortable feeling ever. How long will this last? Is it just from being new skin or is it part of the virus? I'm using tea tree mixture from a natural food store for herpetic pains to ease it but it's driving me insane and I'm super insecure about it now. Please any advice or tips will be welcome!! Itchy butt is so not fun!


How long did it take your sores to heal? Im going on day 4 and I am in SO much pain. I've been on Valtrex for 3 days now and I feel like it hasn't helped much? I helped my itching by taking an epsom salt bath and letting everything air out or use an ice pack down there


@Eleni_Nicole my sores lasted almost two weeks. It was awful! So painful, horribly uncomfortable especially since I sit all day for my job. I wore pads because of the blisters leaking and eventually bleeding. I ended up using Boudreaux Butt Paste (had kids with diaper rash) and it was a total life saver! I started Valtrex a week in and I think I noticed an improvement after about 3-4 days. I also got a tea tree I'll mixture from a natural foods store that was specifically for herpetic pain which also helped. It still hurts when I have a BM but no sores. Just very itchy and still a bit tender. My labia is swollen and tender at times also. I get tingling sensation over the area which is also uncomfortable or sharp pricks or shooting pain in my pelvis or buttocks. Now I have no sores but I still have all the other issues. @Cheezit I haven't tried Benadryl so I'll do that next. I did go get llysine, vit c caps and echinacea since I've read on many forums these help also. I'm also getting a year prescription just to be safe and will take daily meds for a year then only for OBs.

  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same problem with the itching with my first out break two months ago. I've noticed that i think my prodromal symptoms are more itching than tingling. Honestly, I found that ice can sometimes help, if you can stand it for a few minutes. wearing breathable loose clothing, emphasis on going commando, using the hair dryer on the cool setting to help ease some of the itch. Hope this helps!


Update; I'm on week 4 since my first OB. Itching has subsided a lot but I still get moments where I literally have to drop everything to itch my butt. I know it's so not appropriate in the middle of work. I also still have these "crawling over my skin" feeling down there once in a while. But overall everything has healed up. I do continue to have some shooting pains in my pelvis and buttocks. My OB agreed to the year rx of Valtrex and she was really comforting with some of the statistics of it all. I appreciate everyone's advice. This site has become a life line for me.

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