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Herpes in the media

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Since I've been diagnosed a little over a month ago, I feel like I can't get away from hearing about Herpes anywhere. Most recently I heard an interview with Lisa Bloom, the lawyer with the case against Usher for not disclosing, where she referred to herpes as a 'terrible disease.' (She also said that it's ruined one of her client's life because she can now no longer take baths with her babies and also said herpes can be transmitted by sweat?) I feel like these comments go far beyond the disclosure aspect of the case and just works to further the stigma that causes the emotional trauma that she's helping the women sue Usher for.


Has herpes always been in the media as much as I feel it has in the past month, or am I just noticing it now that its personal?


(Also sorry if there doesn't seem to be much of a point to this thread, but I've had that interview playing in my head for a few days now and I needed to get out my feeling about it somewhere!)


Bullshit, she obviously isn't medically in tune with this, and she is fabricating to get more money ..what she is saying is false, feeding into the stigma, and is shameful on her part

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