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I can’t do this anymore

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Take a step back & breath!

You are not worthless & dirty! This is not a reason to end it all. Truthfully, there is no good reason.


Let’s talk about what you’re doing to control the physical symptoms or prevent an outbreak.

Then we can talk about what you’re doing to stay positive.


I’m no counselor and I’m new to this myself, but I believe having a friend and talking through things can help tremendously! I’d love to help however I can.


I am 26 and I have my days of negative thoughts about dating and my future so know you’re not alone.

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I would definitely seek the help of a professional therapist. I did after being diagnosed and it helped a lot. I know you feel hopeless now. I was there. But 6 years in after my diagnosis, I KNOW things get better. Better to a point where you don't think about the virus much at all. I had multiple partners accept my status, it rarely affected my sex life and i began to put the pieces back on my self worth. The only thing you have to worry about with herpes is your relationship to yourself and whether you let it define you. Life is too precious, and there's so much worth living for. You can and you will have a beautful, full love, with love and and good sex! I know because it happened to me and so many people that have this super common virus. The outbreaks get better too! And you will get to a point in your healing where you rarely have them.

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I hear you to a point. Life is better, believe you me. I've been dealing with hardcore ugh for 4 months and finally went on very high dose of a different antiviral. GET SUPPORT from docs, clinic and counselor. It sucks to get HSV - but it certainly isn't worth a life. It is not life threatening to 99.9% of folks pretty much (give or take of course) so, give yourself time. Get support and back up.

I was frustrated and angry as hell to be so miserable for so long. Still no sex since last June. By choice I wasn't having sex and tested negative for HSV in October and November (I test annually). However, in Jan I'm Blood positive Blood and in November Culture Positive (even though I just tested negative twice...) - talk about WTF. Not one doc can explain how this could be - but here I am! However, I'm finally starting to slowly feel better and reducing my dosage slowly. Find what works and get the support. It's worth it.

On another note, there are dating sites specifically for those of us with HSV, HPV, HIV, etc - I joined one and actually met a super cool man the other night - my first date since last June. The cool thing is he "gets it" and thus we are already 100% ahead of the awkwardness. Just a thought but not necessary as many here have experienced.

I also find its still best I only tell those that I know I can reach out to. Most times, it's only those that have the virus.... but slowly I'm letting some of my closer gf know for support if I needed it. I'm glad I waited. As time goes on and I start to finally feel better I don't feel a need for support outside of this site and those few that already know.


One day at a time doll.... there is so much ahead of you - give it a chance.

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The first year is, so I've heard, the hardest. After that your body gets some good solid antibodies going to keep things under control. Are you on suppressive therapy? If not try it. It should help with the physical symptoms. As for what HSV is doing to you mentally consider a therapist, licensed social worker, or any kind of sex positive counselor. Herpes is so common, if you end things now you'll never know what a non issue HSV actually is. I'm so sorry you are going through this, it must be so difficult. Get help. Don't do it alone. Are you close with your mom? A sister? Girlfriend? Find someone you can confide in. Huge hugs! I'm sorry this is hitting you so hard.


Don't give up. If you give up you'll never know how innocuous HSV is nor will you come to realize all the amazing things you can do.

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