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Okay y’all, you’ve seen a lot of me since my recent diagnosis. My question at the moment is if there is any way to help lesson the discomfort and pain. Right after diagnoses I was given Tramadol, a prescription pain killer to help with pain. I was taking the Tramadol-along with Advil and it was minimally relieving the symptoms. I have since finished the Tramadol I was given and don’t want to return to the dr for anymore prescription medication. Taking 800mg of Advil every 4-6 hours doesn’t seem to even be making a difference. Do y’all have any advice on how to help alieviate my symptoms? 

It’s been a week since I noticed symptoms starting to occur but I’ve only been officially diagnosed since Friday. The lesions don’t seem to be starting to dry out and heal at all, in fact they seem to discharging more heavily. 

Being that i’m a college student I can’t just lay up in bed and not go anywhere. I walk with the strangest limp trying to keep my labia from rubbing against itself or my underwear or even shorts. I just feel miserable. 

Please help! 


I wonder if something cool down there would help?  Like one of those gel packs you can keep in the fridge or freezer (that doesn't freeze hard?) or even just a cold washcloth? 




Did your Dr. Put you on any anti-virals yet?

Ok so the anti inflammatory will help as you can tell, in moderation. I'm a wee bit jelly your Dr gave you extra pain control... My Dr didn't give me shit!! Lol!!! 

But Epsom salt baths helped me a lot.  And putting an ice pack down there couple times a day.  I work 14+ hour days as a vet tech and I don't get breaks or to not be moving bending or crawling on the floor with a 150# mastiff.  So you saying you are a student... Going, moving, being active, and I'm sorry... But sometimes the sitting for me was worse. 

I also cleaned with tea tree soap twice daily... And used a hair drier to dry off when I could... Mostly after my bath and shower.  

L-Lysine supplement, 1k mg twice a day

Vitamin C 1k mg twice daily

Couple capsules of echinacia

And because it put my brain in a fog

Some ginkgo biloba.

Hope that helps😊

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