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So I just wanted to know what all of you guys do? Dating online is what most people do now a days, so do you just go throw it on your page...”hey I’ve got herpes don’t swipe right if you can’t deal.” 

Or do you guys wait till your in a commited relationship first? 

So yea I think this will be a helpful thread.

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I’ve kind of been wondering the same thing.... like how do u tell someone? Anyone? I’ve really thought about not dating at all honestly.


but there is this guy I am I love wirh he is literally my best friend we used to sleep together we called it off a few months before I found out I had H.  He is literally The only person I want to be with and I’m scared if I tell

him we won’t be friends or worse he worh start to think maybe I gave him something 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Definitely date & yes 100% you should risk the rejection, the best things in life are the ones that come with risks 🙂

I certainly would not put it on your profile, also I wouldn't tell them straight away!
Personally I think the chance of rejection is high if you tell someone off the bat.

Its a great thing to love to love, don't change, be you, be the same.
Get to know the person more, then when you know it is getting to a stage where you think its likely to get intimate
have the talk, some people will be fine with it, they really will.
Obviously some will not & some you think have been fine will change after they have processed it but F**k them, they clearly weren't right for you.
We have all dated someone before & they have left/dumped you for other reasons.
Yes it hurts but we have to get up dust ourselves down & go again.

Always be incredibly stubborn, never ever give up, you are so worth it 🙂

You will find love, good luck to all



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