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Antiviral Resistance?

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I was diagnosed with GHSV about 10 years ago. I’m not sure if is GHSV 1 or GHSV 2. For the past almost 8 years I have been on daily suppression of acyclovir 400mg 2x a day (I initially started with 200mg 2x a day and even the low dose worked. For about a year now I have been getting chronic outbreaks. They even seem to be worse now then when I was first diagnosed. In the beginning I would get one typical blister that would come out and eventually heal over. While on antivirals it pretty much eliminated my outbreaks (except when I was on birth control pills, then I would get what I thought was an outbreak but felt more like a yeast infection about every 4-5 months. I’ve been off birth control for about 4 years now.) Last year I started to get occasional sharp pain or irritation in my vagina. I figured it was prodome symptoms and increased my acyclovir to 3 pills a day for a week. After a few months of this happening I had what I thought was a very bad yeast infection. I got over the counter medication and increased my antivirals just in case it was an outbreak. I didn’t have any visible sores just a lot of irritations, discomfort and redness. I couldn’t walk at times because it was so uncomfortable. This has been happening about every month now for a year, sometimes twice a month and almost always during ovulation. Last year I was on prednisone for my asthma a few times (and have been in the past without any herpes flare ups) and wasn’t sure if this somehow reactivated the virus. I went to my doctor in August and he thought where I wasn’t having typical sores perhaps I keep getting yeast infections for some reason. He changed my antivrial to valacyclovir 500mg 1x a day (which after doing some research and taking it for a month I know that the effective dose for a healthy person with more than 9 outbreaks a year is 1mg 1x a day. In the month of October I tried take 1g a day and that month I had nothing occur down below, which makes me think these yeast infections could be outbreaks even though I get no sores and almost always the pain, reddness, discomfort and irritation is inside my vagina (sorry if thats tmi). Two weeks ago while ovulation I had an “infection”, I’m 4 days late for my period (not pregnant), have been on antibiotics for  5 days and woke up this morning with extrmeme discomfort, redness and irritation out of no where. I’ve stopped the antibiotics, started probiotocs, increased my acyclovir and lysine intake (I usually take 2-3g daily). I made an appt with my primary care on Wednesday and have an appt with my GYNO on the 10th. I’m not sure which doctor I should even see at this point (my GYNO) prescribes me the antivirals). I’m going to ask to be put on 1g daily valacyclovir and see if that makes a difference. I’m debating on having other tests done to rule out immune disorders etc. Does anyone have this problem? I thought the virus becomes naturally more suppressed over time the longer you have it? Does anyone see an infectious disease doctor for their HSV? I’m a 33yr old otherwise healthy female. I exercise 5x a week and eat well. Sleep could be better but I have two children. This is really taking a toll psychologically on myself and ny marriage. Any advice would be great.


Maybe get a referral to a second gyno. It sounds like the help you need is from a medical professional and the people you are currently speaking to are just throwing the same solution at you with no results. 


I have appointments with my therapist, OBGYN and Primary Care next week (super stressful week). Hopefully they can help or refer me to a specialist because I can’t go on like this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Most people is these situations do both natural medicine and conventional medicine. I would consider researching an effective sensible naturopathic doctor alongside your medical professional. Natural medicine is highly regarded amongst herpes suffers as it often helps bring relief alongside conventional treatment.  A highly trained naturopath is more likely to be able to adjust treatments to your individualised situation than taking this or that and can or will work alongside your medical team. Finding one that is good is key. 


I’ve been reading up on monolaurian and am just concered about something called the jarisch herxheimer effect. Not sure how common that is. I also was told red marine algae helps. What exactly does a neuropath do? 

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10 hours ago, ash128083 said:

I’ve been reading up on monolaurian and am just concered about something called the jarisch herxheimer effect. Not sure how common that is. I also was told red marine algae helps. What exactly does a neuropath do? 

a naturopath is trained in natural medicine so they might be familiar with interactions/combinations/accessing any underlying health issues such as sub clinical thyroid/adrenals etc. focus on detox. there are many differing schools of thought and ways in which they work researching and finding someone who works well for you is key.

a good one would also understand say drug and herbal med interactions so if you did alongside meds it could be worthwhile.

there are also good facebook support groups for HSV. you might be experiencing AV failure. some say they are worse on than off....a thought to consider.

might be worth trying to get the spectrum of info out there and seeing how you go. its always a journey once you need to look at other options outside medical or alongside.

adaptogens might be worth looking at.

a lot of supps are still drug like so its worth keeping that in mind a good practitioner should rebuild your health with these but they might not always be long term strategies. 

i do know that there newer drugs are around whether they will be avail in the future or hold ups in approval i do not know much about.

hope this helps in your journey.

i use the louis kahne detox bath ice pack method and find it helpful. you could google.

i hope this gives you a balanced perspective.

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