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It finally happened...

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So I was diagnosed last June. I met an amazing guy in August and told him my story and every detail. He accepted me and my HSV-1 and we started building a life together. He knew the repercussions of having unprotected sex but he didn’t care because he wants to spend his life with me, as I do with him. Now 7 months later he finally caught it. I’m not sure how he feels, I know I’m upset because it’s my fault. But a small part of me is happy because now I’m not alone in the relationship with something like this. Is that wrong to feel that way? I don’t want to seem self-centered but it was beginning to feel lonely and I felt like a damn leopard. And now that we share this idk it’s comforting? Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this and how did it turn out for you and your relationship


I got it down there from receiving oral, and my bf now must’ve gotten it when I was at the end of an outbreak from sex so I was still active. Idk I’m still trying to understand this stuff myself. It’s more frustrating than anything. 


No, my original post in regards to what happened to me explains it. I had contracted hsv-1 from someone I was previously dating who had it on their mouth (they gave me oral) and then I got infected. My now boyfriend and I were intimate shortly after I had an outbreak but it was clearing up for the most part from what I could tell. He obviously didn’t go down on me then, I try to keep him from doing that because of my situation. Does this clarify better?

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