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Do I really have herpes? Should I retest?

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Hi guys. After my ex and I broke up in January of last year, I was tested for both hsv 1&2 and came back positive for both hsv 1&2. A week later, I got a call back from my doctor who said I was actually only positive for hsv 1... confused, I asked my doctor if I should retest, and she said there was no need since I’ve had no symptoms. I took those same results to a different doctor and that doctor said it was in fact positive for both... again, confused. Like anyone else, I held on to the original negative diagnosis and have tried to live life like I don’t have it. A little over a year later, I finally met someone who I adore. This is obviously haunting me. I’ve never had an outbreak, only cold sores on my face. Should I retest? Or take the advice of almost every health care provider I’ve spoken with, and don’t test unless there’s something to be tested. I’m scared. Thank you. 


well if it was me I would retest. it's better to be safe than sorry. plus if your going to be intimate you don't want to give him something.plus I'm assuming your partner is negative..i really believe everyone should know there statues. plus you could be positive and never have a breakout. just my opinion. Sarah.


@sarahsfocus thank you. It’s like I almost don’t want to because I just don’t want to know... But I know that isn’t fair for myself or anyone else. I clearly cant get this out of my head already, so I could only imagine what actually finding out I really had it would do to me. Although, my gut is telling me I do 😥


I know how you feel I was terrified and I aggravated the secretary's everyday calling. they complained to my doctor and she told me.i waited 9 days for my  test results. but in the end i'm glad I got tested. I think I was overreacted though thinking I could herpes 2 from a towel.it really helps me mentally. I wish I could come with you if you decided to get retested. I think when your facing something like this you need a friend. I wish I had someone that would have went with me when I got tested.listen don't let nobody tell you what to do.you have to do what's best for you.take care Sarah.


@sarahsfocus wow. No one should get aggravated with anyone in terms to their health... I’m sorry that harpooned. Knowing your status helps you mentally? I’m almost at the point where I feel ignorance is bliss but again, have that thought in the back of my head constantly. Just wish I knew what the right thing to do was. Thank you so much. I really do need a friend or someone I can talk to. No one knows about this or my concerns so it makes it really hard and it’s driving me absolutely insane. Thank you again for your words. They help a lot. 


my sister told me something the day I finally decided to get tested.she told me I was driving her crazy and I have drove myself crazy.she told me I needed peace of mind. so I can get rid of this worry once and for all. I was at the point of wanting to kill myself. I was so effected by this thought that I had hsv2  I had told myself that I had it and I was a piece of Sh%t. plus the amount of strain I had put on my marriage.i was so terrified I didn't have sex with my husband for almost a year. I was so afraid of infected him. I was delusional.now that I know i'm hsv2 negative I have been working on putting my marriage back together.i just hope my husband forgives me for acting like a crazy woman.just my opinion here but if I was going to start a new relationship I would make sure he didn't have anything.as I'm sure that if you start a relationship it will be intimate.you really need piece of mind.your driving yourself crazy.you should really know your statues.i am here if you need any advice.Sarah.

  • mr_hopp changed the title to Do I really have herpes? Should I retest?

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