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@ today’s news relating Coachella

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I am shocked by what I’ve heard and read. 

Pardon me if I sound harsh, but what on Earth are condoms for if not to prevent EXACTLY THIS? 

It’s unbelievable... Herpes is just an annoying skin condition, but what if someone gets HIV while engaging in unprotected sex at a festival with a stranger, or another illness with severe complications like becoming infertile? I’m sorry if I’m old fashioned, but festivals are for music and dance and creativity, not hookups, and especially not unprotected hookups. I did have drunk sex in my life, hell, I was high as a kite too... and yet I still didn’t forget about protection because it’s like a second nature to me. Bagging it up is just as necessary as putting it in. That’s it. 

I don’t think a few minutes of pleasure is worth being sore thorough the rest of the festival and then having to get on medication for however long... Idk about sex education in the USA (or the countries the festival goers were from) but I’m saddened by how horrible of a job it has done, I mean if they knew the risks then they probably would’ve been more careful! 

Anyway. The person I got the link to an article from is my boyfriend who caught HSV from me. (It was 2 years ago, I was his first but I didn’t know, he was really pushy, and my mind went into a state of shock and I couldn’t disclose or react in any way, I froze. It wasn’t rape, it was just two young and inexperienced kids having a bad one night stand with worse consequences...) I really hope he’s somewhat comforted by the fact that this is really all it takes to get the virus and it doesn’t mean he’s dirty, and that he doesn’t have to carry the heavy stigma of having it because a lot of people have it too. It’s not a death sentence, just a very common and unpleasant STD. Him and I both were really depressed after he contracted it, so yeah. 

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