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Everything posted by MarieH

  1. okay so it sounds like your doing everything right? I pose a question to you which I would think about before blowing it off. How healthy are you? I mean in general. Are you overweight or a normal BMI, do you eat well or alot of junk, do you work out several times a week or are you sedentary? From what I have seen as a nurse I have found no matter what health condition someone has if they have an unhealthy lifestyle their condition has increased severity and complications. Many people try to treat just the disease (diabetes, hypertension, a chronic viral infection, or ectra) with medication targeted to that disease without changing their global health. I'm not saying you are unhealthy bc I just don't know but it's perhaps something consider when thinking about treating a specific disease/condition.
  2. eerr idk. I'm on 500mg a day. first month out after my exposure last month and it seems the the virus is settling in. had an outbreak but on my lips which I didn't even know I had it there since Ive never had any symptoms before this. from what I understand type 1 OB reduce alot after the first year. Im surprised I got an OB too to be honest. I thought since my first OB was rather minor I wouldn't have anymore but.....🤷‍♀️
  3. im sorry. I can feel what your feeling. 😞
  4. I did not know when i was with him, he only told me AFTER I got sores and got nervous and told him about it. was a asshate about it too, never really said sorry. just asked for his flip flops back and laughed at me. btw, never got his flip flops back
  5. good, I had prepared a whole thing. Wrote down all the facts, calculated his risks per year, explained it to a T. He only looked alittle upset for a few mins while I was talking then said right away he didn't care. I still made him sleep on it and tell me again. still doesn't care. He keeps saying how it doesn't matter and if that's why some days i need space it shouldn't be the reason. but some days I do need space. Like today. first time I had sex since my DX yesterday. and i saw a very small cold sore pop up on my lip this morning (no oral happened bc I'm still learning to be comfortable in my own skin again). I've never had one on my lip: this is new and something I'l have to talk to him about. He doesn't understand how I feel about it but accepts it. luckly he's a really good guy and takes my leave me alone days in stride.
  6. hell no. If he was a bad enough person not to give the right to consent to risk he is not a good enough person to date or speak to
  7. I told someone I have been seeing. I hadn't let things get to physical level for weeks. We were kissing and he asked me what was wrong. I guess I was more transparent then I thought...so I told him. He didn't care. I care more then he does. I still don't feel ready to have sex, this DX is new to me so I'm still adjusting my head to the reality of sex. It's the last barrier of neg thought I have left is concern over risking someone else. someone NICE. He assures me he doesn't care so this is something I need to get over for myself.
  8. sounds alot less like bad luck and like people lying to us? yes? we trusted the wrong people without proof.
  9. me=freaking out, telling him about my sores and such him=oh yeah, not ganna lie my ex has it (of 5 years) FYI=with frequent outbreaks in her case me=did you use condoms him=never me=so you lied to about your exposure and STDS him=we used a condom, I thought it didn't matter me=what type is it? him=I don't know, I never got tested, I was nervous to
  10. he did do oral, no sores anywhere. mouth or genital. yes it is possible but not as easy to spread as type 2 since it prefers the mouth
  11. not the saw the few days afterward. but i stopped seeing him bc i got the the herp flu and sores within 2 days of us hooking up. that's when he admitted he had it. clearly wasn't going to keep seeing a piece of shit human anymore
  12. yea he did. i think its possble that's the cause but again. no sores present
  13. nope just shedding. bad luck. he lied about his history and was NOT on meds to reduce shedding or any other measure for that matter.
  14. i have not had any scaring as far as i can tell... my first outbreak was minor though. but you vagina is skin just like the rest of you. it can scar, and it can time to heal. doubling your meds is not going to effect scaring. just outbreaks which is sounds like is over
  15. so look on my profile on this site. I posted a big chart about diet change. It's basically a high lysin and low arginine diet. i understand about feeling emotional. let me tell you i have def not escaped that. it effects how i relate to people and how i relate to dating.
  16. I used to think this was just the most horrible thing too: but i find the more i do to help the less horrible is feels. diet changes, and meds.....its unlikely I will have outbreaks again....and low risk of passing it to someone. I don't know about oils. I know they are helpful BUT I'm a nurse......oils seem so...unproven to me. there's no data proving its effectiveness. alot of it seems like a placebo effect to me but i know people who swear by them so do you girl! If you ever feel down about this: consider this. while embarrassing the herp is only a rash.....its benign. look up HPV and cancer rates with strain 6, HIV and early death. This is just a rash, it can't hurt you. I can just hurt your mental state.
  17. plus it lowers your risk of passing it to a man ( assuming your a girl) by a HUGE 77%
  18. it hasn't had any side effects for me: and no known long term organ dysfunction that I can find online and I asked my OBGYN. It's worth it to me. makes me feel much more in control of it all.
  19. how long have you known? I'm actually okay now. I feel empowered almost. I took control of my diet, meds, and mental health. I feel good, not sick anymore from first exposure illness, back at the gym and going out with friends/dating.
  20. yes, i couldn't be with someone otherwise. not morally. but thats just me
  21. I was also pissed, i was going sue him. buuut I can't. long story but the evidence got messed up. but i totally would have. he was not having an outbreak at all at the time. thats how i know it was from shedding. I just unlucky, I used protection for every skin to skin contact down there, I asked him about his past, but...it happens i guess. he lied. Based on his number of partners and transmission risk % he gave this to AT LEAST 6 other people. Of course I didn't know what a whore he was or his poor health until AFTER
  22. well i can KIIIINNND of see why it happened to me. the guy I got this from was NOT on valtrex AND was massively unhealthy ( I mean ate bad, slept bad, stressed, ectra) so when he sheds he prob sheds large amounts of virus over the FULL 3 day span. and being a women with all the those mucus membranes. bam
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