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Everything posted by fyrefenyx

  1. I already took diflucan 3 days ago...im def asking for lidocaine! And i picked up hemorhoid cream
  2. Neuropathy can settle with the shingles. I had a patient that had shingle years ago and developed neuropathy in the neck. I treated her with ETPS acupoint stimulation, joint mobilization to the neck, and massage therapy No known cases of HSV-2 that later leads to sacral neuropathy Thank god!! But u can find cases that shingles can cause neuropathy. Kinda makes me glad that the form of herpes that I have won't cause that See if u can find photos of how far and where the sacral ganglia extend esp within the detmatomes. Sometimes you will feel sharp pangs or tingles in those areas...evendown the legs. Makes me want to pull out my Anatomy and Physiology books out along with my mukuloskeletal books to check out nerve endings
  3. Brokencastle Im experiencing the same prob:itchiness and i cant tell if an ob started/finished myself. I'll be going to the dr monday Literally, im praying to get relief from being itchy on my bum. Ugh!
  4. Dilemma girl Sometimes it hurts terribly when people we care about walk out of our lives, but on a dif light, sometimes ppl are removed from our lives so they wont weigh us down. Spread your wings, sparkle, and fly :-)
  5. @ WCS did you have a c-section/vaginal birth with your 2 pregnancies? Just wondering bc i do want to have more children but the thought of a csection scares me
  6. Well i got a over the counter cortizone cream. Seems to work for a bit. Then i follow up with tea tree oil and peppermint oil but it only lasts a lil bit. I wake up in the night in an itchy craze phase. Im going to the dr again Monday My bf says i should also try cornstartch. I'll try it tonight a long with ice I been taking my acyclovir and propolis daily. Just frustrated and literally praying for some relief
  7. Its driving me crazy!! What can i use to helpme alleviate this itchiness???!!! I need relief!!!!!
  8. Very true...if u were recently exposed it wouldnt have been enough time to develop anti bodies in your blood....aha! I found the answer to my question. But doesnt blood work determine if it's hsv1 or hsv2 Hmmm...
  9. :D we're all human. Each of us lets go and moves forward on our own pace :-)
  10. Why do dr's wait for a physical OB to culture? Is it protocol? U can do a blood test...is this all political healthcare crap? There's more than one way to test for HSV1 & 2...sorry, ijs
  11. >:D< thx guys i did tell my bf, "maybe my libido will come back when its ready....after i had my kids, i wasnt in a hurry to start to practice/have more so maybe it'll eventually come back: when i'm ready." Another part i thought about today was that in a sense, we're both new to this dis-ease. He carried it and didnt know he had it until he had an OB Any who on the brighter side. We both have to deal with this but we have each other :-) Maybe im also feeling a lil selfish...since we're in the same stages of this dis-ease maybe its also hit him emotionally too...havent asked but i will discuss more with him... I know he feels bad but he disclosed to me...we thought we took precautions, but i took the chance but we're dealing with it TOGETHER *i'm now mentally singing 'bringing sexy back' " lol Oh btw i have no prob getting myself off...as i said i HAD a high libido and loved masterbating but the prob is Ive had OBs back to back this month: too much pain to even try (yes i have acyclovir but i think i need to request for some lidocane). I had a 4 day grace period but man do I ferl like thisvirus is licking my hyenie! "This too shall pass"
  12. Whether you have H or not, seems like you gotta keep the red flag meter up when dating...still gotta weed the good from the bad....good eggs and bad eggs and some that seem they need to find their marbles...it's an experience and you'll end up finding out who's really true blue quickly
  13. It still hurts you and talking about it and getting your anger out helps. Obviously, youre going to be upfront and honest and disclose to your partners (at least thats what i infer) Remember, you cant control other peoples reactions (along with their lack of integrity)...u can only control yours. How ppl treat u is their karma; how you react is yours.
  14. My bf has HSV2 we didnt know he had it till our relationship progressed...we thought we were careful...guess not. We both got tested: he was HSV2 positive, I was STD completely free. I knew my chances of catching it but I took them bc I loved him. I ended up with HSV2 too...now here i am going thru these dif stages of emotional healing trying to accept this...we're able to openly discuss things but my sense of sensual sexuality has been crushed. In my mid 30s I HAD a high libido, and now bc Ive had to heal physically, Im not even interested in having sex bc I feel like the virus took away my confidence and my sex appeal. I know my bf loves me and hes being understanding of this...im only on my 2nd OB but hes on his 4th...i know he's still super attracted to me and he loves me but the prob is i feel i lack a sexual luster inside of me. Its not fair to him. He said he understands how I feel and it may take time for it to come back. I dont want to be a debby downer but gees, when will i get "my sexy back?"
  15. @Sab123 thx for asking this question. I was wondering that too. In my 'pilot mode' of driving home today, i thought to myself, "realistically, i've gone through the 5 stages of grief but its so hard to ACCEPT H. @Adrial, thx for posting the link to the healing emotional process bc I was mentally checking off what what stages Ive been thru. My prob is ACCEPTING this. I know I have it I know all the statistics I know it cant be cured but it can be managed esp if I take care of my health but its so hard to accept. Im a fighter and I feel if I accept, I give into this dis-ease. I feel like Im forced to live in symbiosis with a parasite...How can H and I live in harmony? It sounds too much of an oxymoron to me. Perhaps, Im still in a bit of a denial stage and anger...its too hard to ACCEPT this. I know I will find peace and I pray that I do but I have noticed this dis-ease does seem to act up with my emotions. Idk just had to vent ~~TINA
  16. @hope75 Thx for the encouragement of getting the "sparkle back." I usually have a vivacious zest for life and am usually a positive thinker but I feel like my sparkle is bearly twinkling and I know that theres light at the end of the tunnel I just been feeling like these OBs have been beating me down physically, emotionally, and mentally. One thing I do know is that the power of positive thinking does make a diff and I need to chuck out my stinkin' thinkin' Thx :-)
  17. Im right there with you. Got over my 1st OB and been going thru my 2nd one the last few days. Hoping its not too late to start my acyclovir. My dr gave me refills to call in when needed Omg!!! This itchiness is crazy!!!! Teatree oil, you are my bff!!!!
  18. Just reread the feed I think I may be wrong about what I said about the HSV1 but u can go back and read the feed. Adrial is good with the concrete stats/medical info...
  19. Scroll down and read the feed called "oral sex and herpes...can it happen" HSV1 can be spread both orally and genitally with skin to skin contact when shedding/during an OB... HsV2 tends to stay in the genitals and if u perform oral with HSV2 , theres only a 1% chance of catching it orally
  20. Glad you got tested. Better to be safe than sorry :-) Let us know how the testing goes
  21. U need a urine spec and a blood test. Im not sure what the symptoms are for dudes but i just had my first ob and i had a uti too. My bf has herpes in the genitals as do i. His outbreaks dont look like mine. He gets small bumps and it looks like a rash. Sometimes on his penis and groin area. Get checked out bud bc sometimes other STDs start out feeling like a UTI but he's never complained about having the type of pain that you have
  22. Yes Very greatful for the info and forums Tyvm!!! :-D
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