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Everything posted by Xtina420

  1. Strawberry, I'm now in my late 20's but I got herpes when I was 21. I was already in a relationship and I knew I had to tell them. He kinda just shrugged it off and didn't think it was a big deal. I didn't get another outbreak until I was 27. I was with the same guy still but i felt embarrassed and ashamed. I didn't tell him that I had another outbreak. I kept it all inside. This year I'm now on my fourth outbreak and I still didn't tell him about them until last night. He was completely understanding. I think this whole idea of herpes is just the stigma that surrounds it. You feel dirty and like no one will love you because you have it. That's so not true. Your soul mate is out there and he will love you for you. If they can't deal with it then they aren't meant to be with you. Simple as that. You're an amazing person and herpes does not define who you are. Look at me! I'm with a guy that knows I've had it since I was 21 and I was still scared to tell him when I was having an outbreak. Keeping things bottled in is not healthy. I spent all day in bed yesterday crying my eyes out about my outbreak. When he came home from work I told him about it and he made me feel so much better. The truth sets you free. I'm still trying to keep positive about it because that's all you can do now. One day at a time but it will get better if you stay positive about it. Xoxo
  2. Haha maybe so! It's teaching me a lot about myself and that's a positive thing instead of negative. I also made an appointment with my doctor to try suppressive therapy to see if it helps my monthly outbreaks I've been having and to get me through this wedding planning. Thank you again. You really did help me with all of this! I can't thank you enough! Xoxo
  3. He was! He's like babe ill love you no matter what, I want you to tell me when something is bothering you. He told me that when I have an outbreak we can just kinda laugh at it and say oh the herpes came to visit me again. He made me feel so much better. I'm still trying to move past It all and I know that will come with time. But being open and honest truly sets you free. Thank you for the encouragement!!
  4. Lamme I'm currently having my forth outbreak this year, I've had hsv1 on my genitals for 7 years now. This has been the most outbreaks I've ever experienced one after another. Yesterday I was in the worse depression over it. This website has helped me see this SKIN CONDITON differently. Yes, I'm still blah about it all but it helps to Know you're not alone. All the feelings you're feeling, so many people feel them too. Just know you're loved and you're special. Herpes doesn't make you who you are it's just something life threw at you and it will get better. My fiancée knows I have herpes but when I get an outbreak I never tell him and I hold all my frustration and saddens to myself. Last night I told Him I had another breakout. He was so understanding and made me feel so much better about it. If you don't have a person like that in your life then you can always talk to me about it and we can turn that frown upside down! Xoxo
  5. Thank you for your story!! You're amazing and so strong! You give me hope that one day I can be strong and not get so depressed when I have an outbreak. :x
  6. Thank you for your response. I honestly don't know why I won't tell him when I'm having an outbreak. He's the most amazing guy I've ever met and he already knows I have it, it's just something I keep to myself for some reason. He actually has never been tested but he has had two outbreaks on his mouth the whole 9 years we've been together. So I'm almost positive he has it too. Just on his mouth not on his genitals like me. My last 3 outbreaks I got exactly 5-6 days after I started my period. So I figured my period was causing me to breakout. October I didn't get an outbreak so I thought I was in the clear I guess till next year. This one that just popped up just came out of the blue. I ended my past period two weeks ago. My stress hasn't been bad at all either. I actually have put wedding plans on hold because I fear that ill set a wedding date and of course ill get an outbreak. The moment I noticed this outbreak I felt like I was getting sick as well and now I have a cold as well as an outbreak. I've been on this forum all day now and I thank you so much for responding back to me. This is the first time I've ever spoke to someone who has herpes as well. It feels good to know I'm not alone. I'm going to try to be more open with my fiancée. It might help me not get so depressed about an outbreak. If I continue to get outbreak every month I really will consider suppressive therapy. Because I went years without an outbreak I didn't think it would come back every month like it has been. I've also learned a lot about certain foods that might cause outbreaks. I have been celebrating with a glass of wine (or two) lately because of the holidays and eating a lot chocolate. Thanks again!
  7. My first herpes outbreak was 7 years ago! It was devastating to me. At the time I was with my now Fiancée for 4 years. I knew from how bad the outbreak was that it was herpes. The doctor confirmed with a swab test I had Hsv 1 on my genitals. I never told my partner because I was too embarrassed. The herpes cleared up and I never got another outbreak until last year. I was in denial and went to the doctors where they swabbed it and sure enough it was Hsv 1. I then told my fiancée. He was so understanding about it and said that it didn't change the way he felt about me at all. It was nice to know he was so understanding about it. That outbreak cleared up and I didn't get another outbreak until July of this year. I figured, ok once a year isn't that bad, I can deal with this. But now, every month since July I get an outbreak. It's very mild and clears up in 5 days of less but I feel so alone, devastated and depressed each time I get an outbreak. I know my fiancée wouldn't care but I don't tell him i have an outbreak, I just ride it out alone. I lie and tell him I'm just not in the mood for sex so I don't spread the virus to him. I take valtrex when I get an outbreak but stop it once hit clears up. I'm having an outbreak now and I literally haven't left my bed all day. I'm balling my eyes out as I type right now. I just don't know how to move past the fact that I have herpes. Every tingle or weird sensation i have I have to look to make sure I don't have an outbreak. This will be my forth one of this year. Every day I don't have an outbreak I still think about herpes. It's literally driving me crazy. I've read so much on this forum and the handouts about herpes and how it's really not a big deal, I personally just want to get over it and accept it. I have the support from my fiancée and I still can't move past this. I went 5 years without an outbreak now it's every month. I'm thinking about suppressive therapy but I hate the fact of taking a pill every day. Any advice about how to move past this would be helpful. I can't believe I wasted an entire beautiful Sunday in bed, crying over this stupid soar on my vagina.
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