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Everything posted by Xtina420

  1. Thanks WCS. I'm going to just watch it for a couple of days. I don't want to put my Fiance at risk. It just doesn't seem like an outbreak. But we all know our little "buddies" can be tricky.
  2. Hey everyone! Been gone from the forum for awhile but I'm back. I have genital hsv1. I've been on suppressive therapy and its been great. Till last night. My outbreaks before aren't like this one. It's inside right above my clitoris. It's just a whitehead looking bump. I popped it and just a white harder substance came out. Sorry tmi. The bump doesn't itch and isn't soar at all. All my outbreaks before were outside on my labia or inner thigh and They were always soar and itchy. I'm just obsessing over it now. Since I popped it the redness has gone down. Anyone else have this problem?? I was really thinking the suppressive therapy was working for my reoccurring outbreaks. Could this just be a simple vaginal pimple?? Or a mild outbreak since I'm on suppressive therapy?? Help!
  3. I love valtrex!! I use to take it at the first signs of an outbreak and id be healed within 2-5 days. Butttttt, this last outbreak I had lasted 10 days!! I'm now taking valtrex daily. I hope it will stop my frequent outbreaks. I've had no side effects while taking it. Hope this helps! Xoxo
  4. Strawberry, I know how you feel!!! I was so depressed about herpes for 7 years until I came across this website!! It's very inspirational to know that you're not alone in this! My doctor was laughing at me because I was making herpes such a big deal. If you're scared to date someone because they might reject you, who cares! That just means that person isn't worthy of your time. I believe everyone has a soul mate out there and that person will love you and your new buddy (herpes). You just have to try to stay positive. When you have an outbreak you just can't have sex, just as if you had your period or a yeast infection. Even the flu!! You don't want to have sex when you're sick anyways. I hate how people are so judgmental about herpes. How on tv or movies they crack jokes about it. The world is cruel. Just know you're not alone in this! Your life is worth living! Xoxo
  5. Ahhh thank you!! Love love love you too!!! :x
  6. And to @simplyme- your welcome!! It's helping me a lot to talk to you and everyone else about this. I can't believe this past Sunday I couldn't even get out of bed because of how depressed I was about my outbreak. Xoxo
  7. WCS, that's a great idea!! There's a planned parenthood right by my work too that I can take the handouts too. If a doctor can't answer all the concerns a patient has at least they can get informed about herpes and not be so left in the dark. I'm so going to do this!! @lamme34- my outbreaks aren't that bad either, I get one soar that usally clears up I'm 3-7 days. Sometimes it itches but most of the time it doesnt bother me at all. i just know its there so i obsess over it. It never turns into an open soar, but that's probably because I start taking valtrex right away. Just how often I've been breaking out and the stress I Know ill be going through with wedding planning I thought I'd give the suppressive therapy a try. I will defiantly keep you updated!
  8. He was very nice but he didn't know why I was making it such a big deal. You could tell he was like ok is there anything else?? But thank you for the kind words!! I will keep you updated on everything! I hope others can read this post and stop thinking so negatively about Hsv. @cc123 - let the wedding planning begin!! Haha Xoxo
  9. My doctor made me feel a lot better about having H. I've been having consistent outbreaks for the past five months and he put me on 1000 mg valtrex for suppressive therapy. I had so many questions for him and he actually told me I'm stressing myself out over herpes. He said at least once a day he sees a patient with herpes, sometimes more! That its nothing to be stressed out about, that over time it will get better and milder. He was laughing at me because I was asking so many questions. He even told me he doesn't understand why people get so stressed out about this condition. He asked me, is your life in danger?? I said no, he's like then get over it. Think of it as getting the flu. The flu virus is always inside of you just like herpes. I'm really glad I went and talked to him about all of my concerns. And I'm also very glad I found this site to share my experiences and read others experiences. It has helped me tremendously!! I hope others take this post as a sign of hope. We're not dirty, we can still have mind blowing sex (when we have no H symptoms) and live a normal, happy life. That herpes isn't as devastating as we make it out to be!! Ill keep everyone posted on how suppressive therapy is working out for me!! Xoxo
  10. I bet you're right!! WCS!! Herpes comedy special, that's one show Id love to see haha
  11. Your welcome!! We're in this together!! When the time comes for you to disclose it to a partner let me know! I'll be here for you! Xoxo
  12. It's funny you say that because I do the same thing. I'm like hmmmmm who has herpes in this store. And I'm sure at least someone does! It's ok all the feelings you're feeling, you're not alone in this. The stigma that has been made about herpes pisses me off. I hate when I hear on movies a joke about it. How rude!! If people were more aware of what H really is I'm sure it wouldn't be such a big deal. I'm trying each day to be positive. Some days are harder then others but life goes on. When I first found out I had it I told my fiancée and he didn't even care. But when i had 4 outbreaks this year i didn't tell him what was going on. When he wanted sex I would just say i wasn't in the mood. I have no idea why I kept it from him. When I know he already knew and didn't care. I'm having an outbreak now and this forum gave me the courage to tell him about it. And again, it wasn't a big deal to him. I think we beat ourselves up more about it then what it actually is. It's a skin condition! Not life threatening! Maybe we hit the jack pot with getting something that doesn't give us a death sentence. There's so much to life and a little soar down south shouldn't ruin our lives! So know you're soooo not alone in this! We're here for you! Xoxo
  13. No problem!! Your soul mate is out there! Trust me!! And he'll love you and the H!! Because when it's true love they love everything about you. I still get depressed about it but I'm trying to stay positive. I even have a guy who doesn't care that I have it and i still stress myself out sometimes about it all. It truly has helped me so much talking to others on here who face the same situation as me. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you!! ALWAYS!! It's like our own little H club! Haha xoxo
  14. It's ok!! I understand where you're coming from. I've had H for seven years now. Each outbreak I fall into a deep depression. I have one right now and on Sunday I didn't get out or bed all day. I started searching the Internet for blogs and came across this one. Hearing other people be so positive about it made me feel better. A lot better actually. We have an annoying skin condition. It doesn't make us dirty or less love able at all! It is what it is. Each day is a new day and we should live it like it was our last, even if we have a soar or two (or three) hanging out down south. I'm sorry you're feeling down but it happens. I'm not 100% ok, maybe it's because I have an active outbreak, but I'm trying to stay positive about it. Just know you're not alone and you're an amazing person! Xoxo
  15. Thanks @hope75 I'm really excited to start suppressive therapy and report back to everyone how its working out. Thanks for your response!
  16. I will!! Haha my fiancée told me the same thing. He's like give it to me so we can go through it together. I just keep saying in my head, this is only a skin Condition!! Like getting a zit. Gota keep positive!! :-*
  17. @adrial Exactly!! They're the professionals and just act like its not a big deal. It's not life threatening and it does heal and go away. Yes it comes back but so does my period evey month. When I first found out I was balling my eyes out to my doctor. He was like what's wrong? It's really not something to get so worked up about. Easier said then done but I'm working on it!
  18. I agree!! Google sucks with information and pictures of Hsv 1 on the genitals!! Mine look nothing like what they show on there. @defeated- I hate how doctors don't care how you feel about the situation. I'm glad you pressed him to do the suppressive therapy. My doctor acts likes its no big deal, herpes that is. And maybe he's right, it's really not a big deal. To us it's huge!! My pretty little vagina has a nasty soar on it! How is that not a big deal?? I'm just so thankful for all of you and being able to talk to people in the same situation! My fiancée knows I have it but he doesn't understand because he's never had an outbreak on his genitals (just on his lip) so thanks guys! Ill keep everyone updated on how the suppressive therapy works out for me! Xoxo
  19. Even though you've had it a month that still gives me some home that suppressive therapy will help me out! From going years without an outbreak to every month now is taking its toll on me. Big time!! I have an appointment tomorrow to talk to my doctors about it. So fingers crossed for me!! Thanks @defeated
  20. Yes everyone is different. I've had genital Hsv 1 for 7 years now. My first outbreak was horrible! After that I didn't get another outbreak for 5 years. Last year I got one small bump that cleared up with medication in about a week. Then nothing until July of this year. Now it's been every month since then. I would breakout on point about 4-5 days after I started my period. October i didn't have an outbreak so I thought i was ok. Then bam, on thanksgiving another outbreak. So I know everyone is different. I literally thought I would never get another outbreak again since i went 5 years without one. I've been pretty depressed that its been happening so often now so I made an appointment to talk to my doctor about suppressive therapy. Just know you're not alone on this. This forum has pulled me out a dark place and made me want to live life more. I literally was crying my eyes out in bed yesterday all day long because of this one little soar on my vagina. When I started reading about other people's stories and realized I'm completely over reacting, life has been a lot different for me today. I'm up out of bed and feeling almost normal again. Keep your head up girl!! Xoxo
  21. Also what's your experience with being on suppressive therapy? Do you get any outbreaks at all? I know everyone is different I was just curious.
  22. Thanks Adrial! I'm going to give it a try for both of those reasons. To protect my fiancée and also to cut back on the outbreaks. I also have a wedding to plan so I don't want the stress of that to provoke anymore outbreaks. Thanks for your advice!
  23. Thank you Aerial! I'm very blessed to have him in my life. It's just my own thoughts in my head that I beat myself up with. To know I'm not alone and to talk to people in the same situation is helping me so much! And yes, there are guys out there that will love and care for you no matter what! Xoxo
  24. I've had hsv 1 on my genitals since I was 21. I'm now 28. I didn't have another outbreak until last year. This year I've had four outbreaks. I'm thinking about suppressive therapy to keep my herpes outbreaks more under control. I'm just not sure if its right for me since this is the most outbreaks I've ever had since I got herpes. I'm just wondering about your experiences with suppressive therapy? Thank you. Xoxo
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