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Posts posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hello,

    I am so sorry that you are experiencing this stress in your life. It sounds like living with your father is very stressful, and I am sorry you live with him. The unsanitary conditions are not okay, and you shouldn't have to live like that. Please know that your parents' marriage situation is not a reflection of you, and the way people treat you is not a reflection of you, it's a reflection of THEM. 

    Please know that herpes and many other STIs are transmitted via skin-to-skin contact with someone who has the virus. You cannot get herpes by touching a faucet or an object that someone with herpes has touched. The bumps on your genitals sound like they could be flea bites or another type of rash from the dirty conditions of your father's home. Are you able to see a doctor?  I suggest you see one... your health matters! 

    Please know that it is not a sin to masturbate. I am Christian and often times other Christians talk about or feel like sex and intimacy and masturbation are sins... however they are a normal part of the human experience. You are not dirty or bad. You mentioned having non-consensual interactions with family members as a child, and if this means you were abused as a child, I am so sorry that happened. It is not your fault. God loves you and He is here for you. 

    Everything is going to be okay. Focus on being kind to yourself and protecting yourself from your father's negativity. If you need any support, please reach out. 

    I am praying for you ❤️ 


    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi! 

    That is so odd... it seems like he needed to make up his mind and he was too cowardly to tell you his choice. It is not right to string someone along while making a decision. It just isn't right, and I'm sorry he behaved this way. It's a reflection of HIM, not of you! ❤️  Actions speak louder than words. Him not reaching out for two weeks indicates he is not serious and frankly is a waste of your time!

    Stay strong and move on. You deserve way better! ❤️ 


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  3. @njosnavelin Hello!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so sorry you had to experience all of that.  You are so strong! ❤️ I love your perspective. Stay strong and stay kind to yourself! The right person is out there for you-- someone who treats you with love, respect, and kindness ❤️ 🙂 

    Sending blessings and prayers your way! ❤️ 


  4. Hello!

    I am so sorry that you went through this. I am so happy you are feeling better. 

    It is not right that the guy ghosted you like that. You deserve someone kind and respectful! Remember, the way someone treats you is a reflection of THEM. You are wonderful! ❤️ 

    It sounds like you could've had two things going on at the same time; maybe oral herpes and issues from the 57+ day period. That combination really could do a number on your body! The equivocal reading on the test means that the test was unable to get a proper read on the antibody amount. It does not mean it is automatically positive. 

    You could try getting another IgG or IgM test, or talk to your doctor about testing out and taking antivirals and see if it helps your lip feel better. You could also see a dermatologist about your lip, too! 

    Also, do you notice certain things trigger the lip burning? Maybe a food allergy or a beauty product or stress, etc?

    I am praying for you! ❤️ 



  5. Hello!

    This is common. I'm sorry that you went through that roller coaster of emotions. People often judge too quickly and act impulsively when they hear the news that we have H. After they are calm and actually do research and think about things, they may come to realize H is nothing to be afraid of. You can definitely explain how they made you feel, and then if you choose to be with this person you can be with them. You should always advocate for yourself and let someone know if they hurt your feelings! 

    Blessings to you! ❤️ 


    • Like 1
  6. Hello!

    If your partner has GHSV-1, that is actually a good thing! HSV-1 is less likely to cause extreme outbreaks. 

    The Valtrex shouldn't impact blood testing, but I am not 100% sure. Valtrex suppresses the virus, and the blood test is testing for antibodies, so I think the medicine has no impact on antibodies! But, I'd ask a doctor/whomever takes your blood. 

    I'm so sorry your outbreaks are uncomfortable. Topically I used Lysine cream (it's lemon-balm based and actually was for oral cold sores, I think!).  Other people find great relief by soaking in Epsom salts (although it can be drying to the skin which can cause further irritation). 

    I hope this helps! Stay kind to yourself ❤️ 


  7. Hello! 

    It could be thrush or a yeast infection, as sometimes yeast can cause cuts in the skin. 

    It could be an outbreak as some people's outbreaks present as cuts, but if you didn't have this the first time, it's possible that this is not an outbreak. And of course, it's possible you were having an outbreak and a yeast infection at the same time! 

    Could you see your OBGYN or doctor and have it checked out? 

    Blessings! ❤️ 

  8. Hello!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! I'm sure there are folks who can relate. 

    I am so sorry that your partner did not disclose in the beginning. Although he hasn't had an outbreak in a very long time, it is still important to disclose it to others because sex is very personal and involves two people who both should partake in the decision-making. 

    Do you know what type of HSV he has? 

    Also, the outbreak before your period is very common, because hormone changes can trigger outbreaks to occur. Your doctor should have at least given you an IgM outbreak in the beginning, because IgM antibodies are the first to appear and spike high in number in the beginning and gradually decrease as time passes. After 12+ weeks, you can take an IgG antibody test to see if you have HSV. Although blood tests sometimes are inaccurate, it can help you put your mind at ease if you get a blood test. If your doctor refuses (which is absurd) you could go to Planned Parenthood and see if they will draw blood. You could also try your OBGYN or another doctor and explain the situation.   

    It is very odd that she prescribed you 1 g of Valtrex to take daily for one year, especially if she refused to do blood work. Definitely talk to your doctor about it and ask them their opinion, and consult/see an OBGYN or your primary doctor, or even try Planned Parenthood. 

    I hope this helps! 

    Stay strong ❤️ I am praying for you! 



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  9. Hello @Maddy!

    This is a great question. I honestly do not know! However, antibodies are good because they are what helps your body fight off an infection when you have an infection. It means your body has some experience fighting off a disease, so if it happens again, your body will have some knowledge in knowing how to fight it and help you heal. In regards to herpes, I am not sure if there is a correlation between antibody numbers and amount of outbreaks or healing time from outbreaks, but this is an interesting question! If I find out anything about it, I will let you know! 

    Blessings! 🙂 

    • Like 1
  10. Hello! 

    Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I have heard that many countries in Southwest Asia do not have access to HSV testing. I hope that changes and testing and the conversation around herpes is more common in the near future! 

    Do you have any skin allergies? It is possible that you have some type of allergy to something and your skin is having an inflammatory response. Have you noticed any change in symptoms since Monday? 



  11. Hi!

    I am so happy you are able to pee without pain! 

    I have never heard of Terragen, so I looked them up. They are FDA-registered but NOT approved. This means the FDA is aware of the product, but it is not approved or certified by the FDA, so be weary and careful of products like this! 

    The company that makes Terragen is called Aidance Skincare. I checked their website and it seems they are a private company that makes products based on homeopathic philosophies. Products are not FDA-approved, and I would ask a doctor before buying and using any products! 

    I hope you keep feeling better! 🙂 Blessings to you! ❤️ 


  12. Hello,

    I am so sorry you are experiencing this. Please know that everything will be okay. You are not bad or dirty. You are good and pure and wonderful. I am so sorry that your partner did not talk to you about his sexual health. He was proactive when he got tested after his initial outbreak, but because the test came back negative, it seems he believed this test and thought he had nothing to worry about. It is great that he talked to you about it when he got the second outbreak because it shows he does care about you, and recognized that perhaps the test result was wrong and this is something to get re-checked. I completely understand the feelings of guilt and sadness associated with herpes from a trauma perspective. When one has sexual trauma, then getting H can really bring back all the feelings of guilt and shame and embarrassment associated with the body and sexual actions. I am so sorry that you are experiencing this pain. Please know it gets better ❤️.  

    Getting H makes us feel powerless, and it reminds us of how we felt powerless when we experienced trauma. Work through healing this; even enrolling in therapy is helpful. When you get overwhelmed or depressed, remind yourself you are feeling this way because it has reopened a wound from previous trauma. Getting H was really hard for me because of my past trauma. When I am overwhelmed by bad memories I say, "That was then. This is now. It's not happening now. It's over. And I'm okay."  It grounds me and re-centers my focus. Always remember that you are powerful. ❤️ 

    You may or may not have H. Some people are with a partner with H for years and never contract it. Others may contract it and never know they did. Others may contract it and know they did. You can get an IgG and IgM bloodtest to see if you have H. If you have ever had a cold sore, you may test positive for most likely HSV-1. H is so common and many folks have it. It is nothing to be ashamed of! 

    I know that depressing and self-harm related thoughts sometimes cross our minds when we are faced with stress. However, please know things will get better and the world needs you. You deserve to live ❤️. If you are ever facing a crisis or are concerned about your mental health or are thinking about suicide, please call  988 or 1-800-273-8255 to reach the National Suicide Hotline. You can also chat online at https://988lifeline.org/chat/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox

    You will get through this! ❤️ I am here for you, and I am praying for you! 🙂 




  13. Hello,

    I am so sorry that you are experiencing this stress. Please know that you will be okay and everything will work out. 

    Please know that you are not dirty or bad or unworthy because of this. I was molested as a child and contracting herpes made all the feelings of dirtiness and guilt rush up. It is like opening an old wound. I am so sorry you went through that. Remember that herpes does not mean you are dirty or bad. It is a common virus and STIs are a part of being sexually active. It's not your fault. 

    It sounds like your boyfriend genuinely didn't know he had an STI. Herpes is so easily spread and so many people don't know they have it. It's possible he mistook his first outbreak for something else (ingrown hairs, for example) and didn't have other symptoms (flu-like or aches, etc). Or, maybe he did and thought he was getting a cold. I hope he is being supportive of you. 

    I'm sure this has really strained your relationship. Please know that love is the strongest force on the planet and nothing- not even H- can break love. It will get better. Focus on healing and loving yourself ❤️ You are so strong!



  14. Hello @Mary Jane and @Birdsandbutterflies!

    I hope your itching has gone away ❤️ There is a lip balm called Herpecin L that can be used for the lips. I am not sure if it helps with itching, but it might be worth a try! 🙂 Also, you could try Abreva lip products which are intended for oral herpes as well. 

    Genitally, you can actually get acyclovir ointment to help heal up the sores (which should reduce the itching). Soaking in Epsom salts may help reduce inflammation and itching as well, or it may make it worse if it dries out the skin too much. 

    I hope this helps! Stay strong! ❤️ 

    Blessings! 🙂 


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