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Posts posted by seeker

  1. tonni, didn't say marry him and have babies with him. egad. while I understand his reluctance to tell you because of the stigma. going to the clinic for an std tests and being relieved when they don't do a herpes test in my opinion shows a certain premeditation on his part. while it sucks catching it from someone who genuinely didn't know is understandable, from someone who knows and chooses to not tell not so much.

    so please don't let the anger consume you and I would be careful with this guy if he is showing up at odd hours making scenes, next time call the cops.


    and trust me someone will want you, he may or may not be H+.


    if all those fugly people at Walmart in the middle of the night can find someone, why not all us exceptionally attractive people with herpes?

  2. that is the question, whether tis nobler in the immune system to suffer the burn and itchiness of growing blisters or take needles against a sea of bumps and by opposing end them? to drain, to seep and by seep we mean to end the heartache and the thousand itchy spots flesh is heir to.


    so yes im asking about popping bumps and yes despite being an indiocelt urban hillbilly I dig on the bard, he sits next to tom robbins and Christopher moore on my shelf ( yes kids I own a complete works of William Shakespeare and worse yet, I pretty much understand what he is saying, I thank pot (past usage) and a lonely teenagehood for that).


    so, a friend who has H2 and really bad, pops her blisters, says they heal faster that way. mine always seem to pop about the time I find em. I have though a bump, I had been told it was a "hardened cyst" in the past. at least the 2 I cut off myself ( self surgery for the win) one recently blew up and popped. herpes sore in same spot? just being rubbed by pants? aliens doing non anal intrusive tests for a change? I don't know. however the one that's been its partner in crime for the last oh, 3 weeks has decided it wanted to have its own growth spurt and is now increasing in size but not in anger, ie its not getting red. im really tempted to pop the sucker, if for no other reason than a little payback. plus im odd that way, I always want to pop my zits, not yours so keep your backs to yourselves.


    so whats the current wisdom on this? ive burned some incense, chanted and did the hokey pokey backwards 3 times and all I got was a confused Michael Keaton in a striped suit.

  3. Sidney, im confused. while im glad that you found the information you needed, which by the way you obtained thru people on these forums sending you that way. you disparage the idea of a supposed diagnosis from a forum ( which didn't really occur) yet state that you were utterly confused because of the myriad number of differing responses. now ive not read every post here let alone elsewhere but no one ever said "you have A" they said based on my experience and what I understand it could be A,B,C,or D but you should go get swabbed, blood test, look into WH etc. so why all the vitriol? we were trying to help you cope with an issue that for most people can be devastating. I believe we even stated that GPs and such are woefully under educated about this, something you allude to in your post. your OP was confrontational at the least, maybe a reread on your part would help you understand why the reactions were what they were. I know I wish you nothing but the best, whatever your situation.

  4. calm down brother. how do you know you have H? and which type. im assuming H2 and down below or you wouldn't be freaking out. if you have a test and its blood, you wont show antibodies till a minimum of 4 months. so you have a latency period where you couldn't have known. also people can have H for years or even decades and not know. when dancer comes on with her holster of links she can give you a story of a woman who was married for 20+ years who never knew. I have had it for what I think is a year but only got tested about 1 1/2 months ago. my first outbreak I AND the doctor thought was mono and those bumps a bacterial infection and guess what, the bumps disappeared within a couple days of taking antibiotics!! so he must have been right, correct?? I went on thinking all was well till a bump formed later and I started wondering. had that bump not formed I may today not know and be in a relationship ( ok the relationship is a bit far fetched but you get my point) and potentially and unknowingly transmitting it.


    I cant say its going to be ok, she already came from a bad place and those issues may resurface. be prepared for her hurt and anger and try to get her to get tested and to learn about this virus and its disjointed, discombobulated, non conformist way of life. its survival strategy is to be tricky, hence hiding, random outbreaks, etc.


    you know, she may not have even got it from you, however, you now have a responsibility to tell her and for her to get tested. be honest and real and vulnerable. tell her how you really feel about her and the situation. I hope this helps.

  5. willow, I know im not offended by what you said. im pretty close to you in beliefs from what I read. I tend to call myself a spiritual humanist with paganistic tendencies. I read a saying from an old native American elder, " we did not argue about religion because that was between a man and his God" I tend to do my best to think that way. someones religion means no more to me than the color of their eyes, as long as they don't force it on me or tell me I am wrong, then the gloves come off. ive seen things in tis world that I couldn't explain so I don't poo poo the whole notion yet I tend to look for the rational and scientific explanation first. generally speaking, if your beliefs don't include hurting others or kicking puppies then im ok with it. ill even attend your celebrations and join whole heartedly, cause who doesn't like a good party????

  6. ok im a guy and while I never did any laser removal (isn't that suppose to permanently remove hair?). I used to shave down there, my ex liked it and well if she liked it I liked it ;) but after herpes I started using my beard trimmer on its lowest setting to cut back everything there and I like that almost as much so that's an idea.


    also as a guy im gonna ad ( while older than a fair amount on here) I rather like a er landing strip or a soft patch above and only the sides san hair. so you do have attractive options other than all bald all the time.

  7. tonni. I will not nor cannot condone his behavior, that being said, it doesn't hurt him for you to hate him. holding a grudge is no good. no you don't have to like him, care if he gets hit by a bus or has rabid bunnies decide to gnaw off his carrot but letting go of your anger grasshopper will help YOU more in the long run. ( he is still a douchebag thou)

  8. no worries I don't take stuff like that personal and I know it wasn't meant like that. sometimes life hands us shit and I acknowledge the shit, sludge thru the shit and deal with the shit. calling it roses and ignoring it doesn't work. ive dealt with depression , divorce and now herpes, lifes tough get a helmet is generally my motto. that doesn't mean im not going to tell life to kiss my ass when it throws something at me. I could get personal and say its typical of the impatience of a New Yorker or as my momma would say, that shows why you want a southern women, Yankees girls don't have heart. I was , heaven forbid, down in the dumps. im getting over it. im ok and I harbor no ill feelings. Chrissy feel free to flirt anytime you want, and I know you want to. admit it.


    thanks dancer, hugs. and just for that when you get to my area and we have a drink, ill buy. :)

  9. hey unbroken, while im no doctor I believe I read somewhere that anti virals work in a way that's different than anti biotics and therefore don't gain resistances. kind of like how germs don't become resistant to chlorine, it just kills em. I think anti virals do something with the cell membrane or such, been a while since I read about it. you could look up "how anti viral work" just only read real medical site info.

  10. SS you came here looking for help. no one "diagnosed". people offered opinions about what information you offered. you took it and ran. now you come back like a zealot wanting to purge the land and wont even discuss with people? part of helping people is giving your idea of what they may be going thru. last I remember you were given the info for westover on here ( and possibly other places).


    and asking what yours was isn't "carrying on diagnosis questions" as you put it. what was asked was " what were you told?" im hsv2 positive, theres no question. me telling someone if they ask is not offering a diagnosis nor is how do you deal with bumps, OBs, rejection, etc.


    methinks you've had some sort of come to jesus moment and now have a bug up your bum.


    wait, a phone consultation, hmmm doctor can only give back based on what is told so if one skews the info one gets the "diagnosis" one wants.


    how many times did the doctor say " I cant give a diagnosis over the phone"?


    no one diagnosed anyone. gave opinions based on personal knowledge and info given and directed to better resources. end of story.


    so the question is, are you going to turn into a troll and poo-poo everything anyone says?


    crickey, every post says, you need to get it swabbed or a blood test at some point.

  11. im confused how your doctor told you, you had an OB but you didn't know and he didn't point it out? and your not a bag of germs. I am 5 weeks out since diagnosis but about a year since what I figure was my original OB. I had 103.5 fevers for 3 days, I was delirious and itching, scratching and otherwise being as unhygienic as one is with a fever that high and I only get sores around my two buddies down there and some on the lower end of Jr. so while possible auto inoculation is rare. not only is herpes weak outside the body almost everything hurts it when outside also, water, chlorine, peroxide, sunshine, oxygen. its pretty whimpy which is why it has to hide in nerves and ganglion.



  12. are blood tests available? and as a guy I can say that yes, ive had my friend rosie cause a few issues, even pre herpes. from friction sores to other things. I passed a kidney stone and then did the deed the next day and lets just say it wasn't as pleasant as I wanted. it will calm down, right now you have something going on and from the description its near the barrels end. does it hurt/burn when urine hits it? if so then seminal fluid will also. use tea tree oil as your lube then your killing 2 birds with one stone. ( that was a joke, im not sure how it would do as a lube other than being expensive).


    and really, wouldn't it be a much better world if we could discuss these things like adults like this in real life??? For one, we'd see the hilariousness in our crazy human behavior a lot faster and there would be a lot fewer stigmas and shame around things .... and a LOT more shared experience and understanding that we are not alone in our crazy humanity


    I think it was Kahlil Gibran who said " if we all sat in a circle and confessed our sins to each other, we would all laugh at each others lack of originality"

  14. whattodo, hey I cant say anything that hasn't been said already. I offer myself if he want to talk. im an older male so if he needs a male to talk to I will. PM me if you want. im only 5 weeks or such since my diagnosis so im not that far ahead of him timewise.


    and its great your doing what you can to help. my mother suffrs from depression so I cant confide in the one person on this planet who will love me no matter what cause it will hurt her and send her down a spiral and I cant do that to her. he is a lucky son.

  15. ok, I get something called hardened cysts in and around my fun zone. now being a male I know we have different plumbing and im not sure if its strictly a male thing, im assuming spermataceous cysts are, lol. there are tons of skin conditions out there, molluscum is a common one that takes forever to go away. also irritation from shaving ( does anyone have hair down there anymore? ) hair follicles can get infected ( im not about to try to spell what its called at the moment). plus there is the ole," paying far more attention to the region now than I did before herpes syndrome" I know ive looked at my junk more in the last 5 months than the previous 49 years.


    um is this bump in the, er, um "friction zone" that alone should cause some irritation.


    wow, nothing really is off limits discussion wise here is it? lol.

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