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Posts posted by seeker

  1. actually in my case it might be the rough hewn cedar ive been working with, just got back at it after a break and it plus maybe neurotic newly diagnosed hand washing = odd sensation on hand that just has to be herpes related cause you know, at this phase EVERYTHING is herpes related. that ant bite on your ankle, herpes, the zit on your forehead ( in my case a sixhead) herpes, didn't get the loan, herpes. my beer tastes punky, herpes. my team is 1-3, you guessed it, herpes.

  2. hey rocks, I went to planned parenthood here in central florida and episodic antivirals were 17 an rx and suppressive was 24. they didn't even ask about income. I got the episodic but only have to make a call and then go pick them up if I need to change. at least for 1 year then I would need to have another doctors appointment. and here that's included in the visit if you get meds. so my whole apt was only 17$. it did take 3 hours with an apt tho.

  3. thanks have. im pretty sure the itch I have on my hand is from something else and ive had it before in the past ( way pre herpes) but you know how this thing can be, every new bump or itch causes concern. given its location, base of thumb on palm up into web on left hand, im having a hard time figuring out how I would have even gotten it there. im right handed. it itched pretty constant on sunday night, none on Monday and is just a bit this morning. no bumps or sores and only red if I scratch it. im just trying to figure out what it is and how its caused. too much hand washing? something from work? I think having it on my hand would drive me batty, esp with my giving it to my kid paranoia.

  4. you have a responsibility to disclose. you are taking their choice away. the woman who gave it to me didn't disclose, we used condoms so they alone aren't 100%. don't be that guy.


    and yes, in some states it is a crime to not disclose, both criminal and civil, so unless you want her to own your ass possibly id disclose or just give up on one night stands.

  5. im curious how it feels and affects you. I was worried last night about having gotten it on my thumbs palm area. I remembered that ive had this sensation way before H and its gone with nothing today. I refuse to look at google as I don't want to lose my appetite for a month.

  6. hey travis, I nuke myself with a spray bottle containing peroxide, warning, its kinda cold so expect some turtling. I use tea tree oil on sores and that seems to help and dancer will come on with her holster of links including some alum stuff that dries em up quick. they need to be kept dry to heal faster. mine can stick around for a few days so im not sure if the meds help clear them up as much as maybe stop new ones or speed up the healing process. ive got the meds but have only taken them during what I thought was an OB. ive been dealing with a real OB and decided to go ahead this time cause im a bit over it.

  7. thanks all. its better now. my boy is playing minecraft behind me with one of his buddies. ive had some pizza, MMMMM pizzaaaa. and yes dancer, I decided to go episodic at this time and its funny, I feel better. I felt better within a few hours. not sure if its the ole get them afore they get me thing or the meds themselves or a placebo affect but I seem to feel in general better tonight. I wasn't really lamenting the whole relationship thing itself. im ok with being alone for a bit, ive got stuff to think about. it was that whole other level of potential rejection that being a male and in general the instigator that was bothering me. sorry to hear your Monday was, well a Monday also, viva la Garfield!.

  8. well its Monday morning, yuck. I didn't sleep very well. something was up with my hand and of course it was herpes in my mind. I have my son tonight and ive been into an OB for a week or so plus what I thought may had been an OB @ 2 weeks ago. most of the bumps have gone but a new one appeared and an existing hardened cyst is blowing up like another one did. this cyst has been there for 3 weeks minimum and it looks just like one I had before. im tired, im sad and im over it right now. I almost want to start suppressive just to have less to deal with. my life is constant stress. I almost broke down this morning. I usually just put my head down and plod along but I am having a hard time with that right now. plus seeing all the couples out yesterday while I watched football didn't help. as much as I feel for all the women on here who worry about meeting someone while having H, at least you don't have to be the one who approaches , yet another level of possible rejection. its hard enough when not dealing with H but it seems almost impossible now. im tired and down.

  9. ok, two things. yes we get obsessive. I was at a friends house last night and a bump appeared beside my eye and for about 2 minutes I swore I had ocular herpes. ive had bumps appear then disapper. I try to treat them all like herpes as far as putting something on them and not wanting others to touch. but id do that for any skin condition.

    second thing. you gals are killing me with this going commando thing. ;)

  10. fuckstockings, she is totally wrong. herpes is absolutely NOT in our blood. if it were it would get nuked by our immune systems. the only way to catch it is direct contact with a sore or shedding, which is from the same area and NOT ALL THE TIME!!!!! if you use antivirals, body awareness and protection she has less of a chance catching from you than the myriad number of people who have it and don't know.


    tell your lady to use some rational thought, IF it were that easily transmitted, she would probably have it from just using your toilet or eating at your house. There are numerous stories of people having and raising H- children, with all the potholes life with children bring. ive heard of mothers who have H2 bathing with their babies. I myself have a 12 y/o and while I only was diagnosed about 1 1/2 months ago I figured out my first OB was about a year ago so, every member of my family should have it by your girls understanding.

  11. not a bit is your fault. he knew so he had a reasonability to disclose. he took your choice away. I got mine from someone who didn't disclose but I don't know if they knew. and I was using condoms so don't fret over that part.


    now then breathe. you are not alone. you can come here to vent, cry and ask questions.


    as a man I feel he did 2 things wrong, first not disclosing but also, and its what helped him manipulate the situation, was to play on your emotions where kids are concerned. I cant have anymore children (vasectomy per desire of my now ex wife because SHE didn't want anymore) yet would if I met someone who wanted one so this kind of burns me up on a personal level.


    um some clarification, a year and nothing sexual or no intercourse? if your guy cares and is understanding then he should be open to at least some form of sexual intimacy, there other things than intercourse and with antivirals, knowing your body and condoms his risk isn't any better than catching it with anyone else. especially someone who doesn't know.

  12. im with inka, its probably the more heinous diseases they mean. you don't tell your family EVERYTHING do you? so why would you this? if you want its your choice. I haven't told mine because my mother suffers from depression and things that affect her kids really get to her. I have no doubt that beyond the depression she would otherwise be supportive.

  13. well the weather is changing to some degree here in sweaty florida ( thank the Gods) and already my allergies have been above normal. a rainy end to summer has all the plants listening to barry white and marvin gaye, making goo goo petals at each other. so I thought I read somewhere about anti histamines and such having affects on OBs? I usually take a Claritin but try to avoid as much as possible. sometimes I use a netti pot. so any words of wisdom about this?

  14. now then on to the whole supplement thing. I take a good mens vitamin, omega red and lysine daily. I have no clue as to how or if this helps nor if its help isn't a placebo effect. I have noticed something since starting the omega red about a week ago but not related to herpes more a general feeling thing. If you find something that you believes helps and all indications to you are it does, then go for it. provided it doesn't have any bad side affects.


    I don't wait for a cure but ive no doubt that there is an herb somewhere on this planet to cure every disease, its finding it, especially with deforestation and global climate change jacking up ecosystems.


    supplement and such would be a tough thing to prove where herpes is concerned given the random nature of OBs. first tests would be on cell cultures then on infected mice, then monkeys then humans. what affects a culture may do nothing to an infected mouse. ie peroxide kills it on contact, im not filling my veins with it though.


    as long as the supplement does no harm it doesn't hurt to try it. I will say this though, herbal stuff is suppose to be like pharma meds, taken when needed not as an ongoing thing. I like goldenseal and Echinacea but I know its not good to take more than 7 days, but dang it seems to blow up a flu.

  15. what dancer said. some doctors, esp GPs tend to get dated in their info. only specialists are suppose to continue education as information changes. remember ( stereotype ahead) doctors tend to be egotistical at the least so THEY always know whats best. It took decades for some to accept that germs are real and cause disease. im not a doctor, never even plated one on TV yet I see so much bad info in what he said.


    the loose thread here is the original test, if its a blood test and it wasn't in the possible false positive range then maybe the first got it wrong but w/o a follow up test there would be no way to know. and while it may be that, yes his whole office could test positive for H1 ( given the number of people who have that type), his idea of it only tests for general antibodies shows he is thinking of the original non type specific blood test. which is what? 10 years old? the new blood test tells the type because they can tell the different antibodies, go get the western blot and its even more specific. it sounds like he is so outdated he is thinking of the one which could give a false positive for having had mono recently (or any of the over 100 viruses in the herpes family). And like every virus in the herpes family, its in us for life! jesh everyone knows that. mono, chicken pox, shingles, all lifers and all transmittable without symptoms.

    next he will tell you that you have "the vapors" and recommend leeches.

  16. well, first off I don't have a cervix so I cant speak to that part. but im about 1 1/2 months from diagnosis and ive had more symptoms since then than I did in what I know believe was the previous 11 months of having it. ( doctor thought I had mono with a bacterial infection). stress can be a big part of triggering OBs and finding out one has it can be quite stressful. I went thru a whole "can I give it casually to my kid?" phase that had me neurotically washing my hands and nuking my boxer area with peroxide. fyi, that stuff is cold when you spray it on. then I had a kidney stone ( I think/hope cause if that was prodome, holy urinary pain batman!) and am now having bumps show up. lots of stress, oh did I mention I have a bunch of dipspits above me at work?


    I think dancer has mentioned that at one time chocolate was a trigger for her ( egad a woman who cant have chocolate!! now that's a scary thought) but it passed with time.


    I personally am not taking the antivirals cause im trying still to figure this out. I have them for episodic and can go suppressive with a phone call, but that requires someone interested in a relationship so......


    im hoping that my body will learn to deal with it, I can figure it out and that if I take the anti virals they will kick it in its teeth.


    as far as forcing dormancy, never heard of anything doing it, just letting it run its course and staying as comfortable as possible.

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