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Everything posted by 2Legit2Quit

  1. Omg wow really @fitgirl !? That makes me feel so relieved to hear! Same w your story @ktk
  2. BTW, you never mentioned what tests you took? Both hsv 1 & 2 IgG the last test?
  3. Dancer makes a great point about the nickle, ad myself am allergic to nickel. I have only ever seen one person take up to 6 months to finally come up positive on their blood test, but they knew they had it due to the burning, tingling, redness, but never any sores... Can't really see someone going as long as you have w no antibodies.
  4. @KTK spray bactine on it, it numbs it and helps a lot and is an antiseptic agent as well. Oh so, love to hear a story of someone noy being deterred by a partners diagnosis. How long did it take for you yo get infected?
  5. @nightingake_25. Bactine helps numb the area very well. Get it in the spray bottle so it is easier to spray.
  6. You likely just have hsv 1 orally and don't be surprised if he has it too and doesn't know. I know of people who said they didn't have oral herpes and then when they went to get their genital herpes typed, they learned they had oral. Although it should be disclosed if one has oral herpes, it's really not been a part of the culture in society to disclose oral herpes, because nobody really takes oral herpes serious and lacks the stigma of genital herpes. To be honest, I have never said upfront before a kiss that I have oral herpes and neither has anyone I've been w. Don't be so sure this guy doesn't have it either, OE both for that matter. I recommend him going to get tested for both as well and you guys have the conversation then. In regards to a doctor to discuss w, I recommend maybe taking him w you to his gyno, or a urologist or an infectious disease doctor. A better get would be to consult w the experts at westover heights, which their contact info is on this site, as they specialize in herpes. Also having him create an account on here, which is encouraged for discordant couples so he can ask questions would be good.
  7. @chikitta13 , I most certainly felt severe fatigue during my initial ob, but I stayed on daily meds and didn't after that. However, when I quit the daily meds, I was tired, but when I exuded any physical energy like a run kr in an amusement park, I was racked w a type of fatigue that is debilitating. I got back on daily meds because if that reason and haven't had fatigue issues since.
  8. Have you tested for both 1 & 2 at the 15 mo this mark? If so, then I think you can relax at this point and stop worrying yourself.
  9. For anyone dealing w cold sores and canker sores on the mouth.. After having a root canal and the place where I had one shot under my tongue causing a very painful canker sore and remember ing a friend who only had pain relied from dry sockets from wisdom teeth removal, that narcotics didn't even help; I took her advice and bough pure clove oil and omg did I have relief!!! I was in so much pain and nothing helped. Applying it twice to three times a day w a qtip didn't the tricktrick. Completely numbed it and does up the healing. Stings a bit at first and taste gross, but ad soon as you swallow the extra down you are good to go and have that taste like you smoked a clove in your mouth and relief for hrs.
  10. Have you tried female condoms? They are wider and allow for free movement of the penis and may cause less friction. You didn't state if you were using condoms or not? What kind of lube BTW?
  11. So remember, 80% of people w genital herpes are asymptomatic or symptoms so mild, that do not fit the text book "worse case scenario" ob, often assume it is something else and/or doctors misdiagnose it, due to lack of education on the virus. I provide support on another forum to newly infected and I see so many that have atypical symptoms, such as never producing sores, any tingling, itching or pain, no blisters... Maybe just a red patch, etc.. This is very common. In regards to your paper cuts, those are called fissures and are a sign if herpes. In fact, those were the first appearances I had during my primary ob, before a blister or ulcer. I also only get fissures on my anus when I breakout there. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all when it comes to herpes. I like to explain it like this. Everyone's immune system is as unique as their thumb print, so that means that the disease is going to present differently in everyone. People can have similar, but there's always something that makes them not identical symptoms in how they present symptoms. As for your test numbers, anything over 1.10 IgG, is a positive. You are well over that for your hsv 2 IgG. Below us a chart for titer values based on to testing. I know acceptance of having a life long infection, that has an over inflated stigma on it can be traumatizing, which results in denial and trying to find a reason why it can't be what it is, but just know that is normal and we all go through that phase. H diagnosis is most definitely a grieving process, w the same 7 grieving steps of one who mourns a death of a loved one and there is no specific order they go in. W due time you will come to accept this and be patient, your body handles the infection quite well, so in due time, you shall have little to no symptoms. Test Number Components Reference Interval Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and/or 2 Antibodies, IgG 0.89 IV or less: Negative -​ No significant level of detectable HSV IgG antibody. 0.90-​1.09 IV: Equivocal -​ Questionable presence of IgG antibodies. Repeat testing in 10-​14 days may be helpful. 1.10 IV or greater: Positive -​ IgG antibody to HSV detected which may indicate a current or past HSV infection. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and/or 2 Antibodies, IgM by ELISA 0.89 IV or less: Negative -​ No significant level of detectable HSV IgM antibody. 0.90-​1.09 IV: Equivocal -​ Questionable presence of IgM antibodies. Repeat testing in 10-​14 days may be helpful. 1.10 IV or greater: Positive -​ IgM antibody to HSV detected which may indicate a current or recent infection. However, low levels of IgM antibodies may occasionally persist for more than 12 months post-​infection. 0050292 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Glycoprotein G-​Specific Antibody, IgG by CIA Effective February 18, 2014 0.90 IV or less Negative -​ No significant level of detectable IgG antibody to HSV type 1 glycoprotein G. 0.91-​1.09 IV Equivocal -​ Questionable presence of IgG antibody to HSV type 1 glycoprotein G. Repeat testing in 10-​14 days may be helpful. 1.10 IV or greater Positive -​ IgG antibody to HSV type 1 glycoprotein G detected, which may indicate a current or past HSV infection. 0050294 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Glycoprotein G-​Specific Antibody, IgG by CIA Effective February 18, 2014 0.90 IV or less Negative -​ No significant level of detectable IgG antibody to HSV type 2 glycoprotein G. 0.91-​1.09 IV Equivocal -​ Questionable presence of IgG antibody to HSV type 2 glycoprotein G. Repeat testing in 10-​14 days may be helpful. 1.10 IV or greater Positive -​ IgG antibody to HSV type 2 glycoprotein G detected, which may indicate a current or past HSV infection.
  12. Lol..... You sound like the voice on my own head. I'd love to know the answer to these as well, as I gave the same dilemma that plays in my head
  13. I agree w how she came off and I wasn't she if she was trying to make a pun, since the word herpes means to creep in Greek. If she was in fact trying to make a pun, you're supposed yo make the pun obvious. And yes, people will be ignorant about the term brain herpes and not get what they meant by it. My biggest fear is they are learning note and more about how herpes viruses wreck havoc on our immune system and cause other issues and I fear it will create a larger stigma about it in my lifetime. Hope I'm wrong.
  14. No.... It's when the virus infects the meninges around the brain, causing swelling and inflammation... Alls I know, is it was painful as hell when I had it and I was in isolation for a week in the hospital.
  15. That's why they were calling it brain herpes... Cause it can cause that and encephalitis, but it is rare
  16. I get your point, but they really focused on how herpes can basically destroy your brain.... That's the part I'm worried about. Obviously everyone will view this differently, but do you think @fitgirl that your perception is what it is, due to the fact that you are educated on it? Imagine people who don't lnow anything about it and arw ignorant, how do you think they would perceive this? That's my concern.
  17. *brain herpes*, that's my favorite.... Thanks PBS, now oral herpes can get the same stigma as genital and then it will essentially destigmatize genital herpes, since they made it sound so much worse than genital.
  18. On the flip side, oral hsv 1 doesn't have the stigma of genital herpes and they basically just made people feel like they could die now from oral herpes.. Bunch a jack asses who produced this. Wonder how many people called out sick on the making of this, because they had a cold sore and felt ashamed...
  19. OK... Thanks... I haven't been in any sort of relationship since getting this almost a year ago, but I want to be prepared. Thanks so much for your advice.
  20. @fitgirl thanks for the advice. I have thought it best not alarm any future partners I may have, but I am a highly anxious person, so we shall see. I'll be afraid if I get asked, like are you sure you had no signs and symptoms and then it will come off ad if I was lying.
  21. No lie, even taking meds daily I get obs, but the difference for it hanging around for a week or more or gone in two/three days, is soaking in nighty lavender Epsom salt baths when I have symptoms. Works like majoc for me and my friend. This brings up an interesting question for me. When something like this happens, do you tell your partner and likely freak them out, so then they may wanna avoid it altogether or do you "wait & see" if they get symptoms? Seems like a double edged sword.
  22. Did you by chance get internal obs from using tampons? I just had my first cycle since having this virus and be ob free. Just trying to figure if the friction from sec is triggering it for you.
  23. Just to provide some reassure, I have a friend that was married to a woman w herpes for 7yrs and he never got it. I also have other friends who have had it a decade or longer and have not passed it to any partners all these years
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