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Everything posted by 2Legit2Quit

  1. Hadn't thought of it like that, but I can totally see that being the point. After all, fear mongering is attention getting.
  2. I'm tempted to contact the producer.... Amazed at the lack of thought, compassion and real education, that goes into this video
  3. Have you considered trying lyrics or neurontin?
  4. I saw this clip from PBS in my news feed and I was quote bothered by some of the choice of words and the focus on the virus itself. What do you think @WCDancer @whitedaisies Watch "What Can Herpes Do To Your Brain?" on YouTube
  5. Meh... Better than what it used to be..I will have had it for a yr in July. That's what I had to do myself... I was obsessed w worrying about all these what ifs, when I wasn't even there yet. Then I'd date a guy and stress so bad. Then I'd not like the guy and I realized, how stupid it was to worry till it got to the point like hey, I like you... I can see this working and getting serious
  6. Hahahaha! That made me laugh! Yeah, I needed something light and silly for a screen name and figured it would give other's a giggle. Well I haven't had kids myself, but I recently put weight on, so I don't even wanna date. I'd focus on you riht now and not to worry too much about that. We are always much harder on ourselves, than how others really see us. Glad you don't deal w many symptoms. I do all the time, so I don't go a day w out thinking about it, but I can go a work day now w out thinking about it... So hey, 4-8hrs of forgetting is better than nothing, because it used to be every second. The virus did a number to my nerves and because my immune system is in hyper mode from my autoimmune diseases, I believe it's constantly attacking my infected nerves and damaging the sheathing on them, cause paresthesia and neuralgia.
  7. Are you going to go get it typed? I think you should, the unknown is never fun. Plus you can feel nice dropping that info in his lap, that he gave it to you. He just did that to use to flip on you and as a power play. Do you have symptom's or obs regularly?
  8. MMissouri wow, thanks so much for sharing your story, I appreciate that a lot. I am so sorry he treated you that way, that is awful. You did not deserve that, especially being you never through it in his face. Did he act paranoid and weird w you after you got it? Like he didn't want to be infected? Did he ever get it? Did you take any precautions? Hope you're hanging in there w all that. I'm sure you are now worried about having to go through disclosure, now that you're separated. You only deserve the best, I am so sorry.
  9. @WCSDancer2010 hahaha! I laughed at your last statement!!!! I love that your the encouraging mother on here, rooting for all your internet kids! What you guys do is so great. @rome30 I was concerned about nerve damage as well during my primary ob and for a couple months after. I was in severe pain for sure. Having all the correct supplements I described, was based on research I did on promoting the best health for nerves to repair and ward off damage. I do believe for some people, their immune system goes in over drive and attacks infected sensory neurons, causing damage to the nerve sheathing, not necessarily damage to the nerve itself. Kind of like a fiber optic cable, if you break the covering, it now will send off broken signals and our brain responds w strange symptoms. I think for me, I'm not bothered by the crawling sensation, like a big is crawling on me or these tickling flutters I get on the back of my legs. I will say, where I get the crawly sensations, is where I've broken out. That sensation to me, makes me believe I'm shedding there. Just my thoughts and theories on it.
  10. I hear ya, but I view it like this. Do you put your baggage all out there upfront, such as your emotional baggage? Do you tell them that you're neurotic or weirs ticks you have straight away? Nope.... So why share something private w someone who hasn't earned your trust and has shown you, that they're going to stick around w or w out herpes? That's how I view it ... Maybe change things up and sew if another way works better for you..
  11. @WCSDancer2010/I busted out laughing at you asking about the US or UK, because that us exactly the type of garbage you get in the UK a and I know you know this. It is so sad and makes me feel so grateful for the medical treatment in the US, although I've had bad treatment here too. Sounds like the ER doc was a resident, so he/she is trying to take I'm every bit of info they can get. Yep and sure enough, you aren't in the US and that's where we hear the craziest stories from doctor visits. It really dies make you wonder, are they sleeping under rocks. Starting to appreciate my country even more! :-p
  12. Don't worry @getbetter111 , you are apart of the tiny H Misfits group and it's not fun, but I say it in a good way, we are unique to this virus. I must say, it made me play close attention to what I was missing in my diet, nutrient wise. In all the research I did, finding what promotes the best health for those of us, that herpes inflames our nerves a lot., that I was lacking a lot of stuff that was the culprit to lack of energy and a player in my depression. Now because of herpes and researching so I can feel normal again, I resolved unintentionally other issues I was having. I am not one who looks for the positive in the bad most of the time, I prefer to deal w facts mostly and calculate the outcome from those, but I'm not going to lie, it has w out a doubt been a scary blessing in disguise that fixed other issues I was having. Start listening to your body better. It took me 8-9 months and I got better... It will be a yr in July.. I went from remembering I had it every min, to every 30, to an hr, to a few hrs, to half a day, to remembering once a day I have it, because I hardly have symptom's anymore at 10 months plus some. I went from feeling like I am living herpes positive, to dealing w herpes once in awhile. It makes all the difference w your state of mind and you will get there, be patient. I found the less I forced it out of my mind and thought about it, it helped. I stopped letting it consume my life, now i adress it strictly from a medical stand point and w no emotion behind it. You will get there. I was hating my body so much and felt betrayed cause why wasn't I like everyone else.. I swear, I am no hippie positive talk and feel type, but when I lived in that energy, it was worse. When I no longer lived in that, along w my supplemental routine I'd like to think, .. Things changed. I found myself snickering at reminiscing my dramatic reaction to herpes for months, as I gave advice to another. This will be you some day.. Have faith in yourself, the mind is a powerful thing. I like to view feeding thoughts to your mind, the same way you feed garbage to your body; your mind will become what you consume (<<---metaphor!!) Tell yourself and convince yourself you can beat it and you will. I am far from some a hippie person (nothing against them), I say this because I served in the army and I know more than anything, that your mind Will make or break your body and some people, tend to not respond to the self happy talk..
  13. There is a gentlemen on here in fact, that got ghsv1 from having protected sex w a ghsv 1 female. His scrotum wasn't covered and that's where he got it. Risk is low, but the risk is still there. Don't take someone's right to choose away. The psychological effects are devastating for people and for some such ad myself, the physical as well.
  14. @Getbetter111 herpes affects nerves that control bladder and bowel contraction and this can cause issues w voiding completely. Getting in meds till your body gets better control of things will help. This usually occurs w people during their primary ob both w passing urine and stool, but I've never heard it happening this long after infection. I have learned to not put anything past herpes and only go off "text book symptoms",/as I'm someone that had a very unique reaction to it, but have met a couple on here that have had as unique as myself, but still not as severe neuropathy as I had in here. Whitedasies, sill88 and I think maybe danasuuuur were others that had strange symptoms. I didn't stop having strange sensations down there until as of recent, some days of the month I do have what I used to have daily. You need to boost your immune system. What helped make the change for me is as follows. - 2000mlg of vit c and d daily. - daily multivitamin, zinc, magnesium and all Bs - biggest game changer for me, was a daily live culture probiotic. Has to have 3-5 different bacteria in it. 70% of our immune system is in our gut. Our processes food diet and lack of nutrients syarvs UA of the above nutrients and a balanced pH in our gut.
  15. I had severe neuropathy w my primary ob and it was horrible. I don't put anything past what this virus will do. Most of my symptom I used to have, are gone. News emerged though. Random itching a week out before period on hips, lower back, left front shin and bottom of feet. I know this is herpes. If it gets real bad, ask for neurontin for nerve pain.
  16. I spent month's trying to figure this out and journaling it all and my symptoms and found the combination game changer for me, because I had symptoms daily, all day. - 2000mlg of vit c & d - daily zinc, magnesium, multivitamin, all Bs - biggest game changer and last to add on, was a daily live culture probiotic w 3-5 differ bacteria in it. Now, I hardly have any symptoms if any at all.
  17. @misskellyrenee , I feel the exact same way you do, about the uplifting talk stuff. I'm the type that likes reality, cold hard facts... I don't need carebears and daisies. I too have had the same fear you do. I have severe abandonment issues ans I've told a friend: it is going to take someone w the patience of Jesus to deal w my emotional baggage, because my abandonment and trust issues are so severe and this has now mad it even harder. It makes it harder to see all the good in me, by adding this doozy. I feel men tend to look at emotional baggage as a life long sentence w someone and then I gotta add a physical one to the picture as well? I had a "best friend" or so I thought since my childhood. Every time I tried to speak of my herpes to her, she'd look down, look away and not say anything. Like she made me feel ashamed about it. In fact, I feel she avoided trying to talk to me after I was diagnosed. It made me reakie that I associated the years when we were growing up to describe our current friendship a d what our current friendship was, was not what real friends are like, so I canned a 20yr friendship over the herpes talk and she didn't even blink an eye... Didn't even seem to care. I was appalled by her behavior, especially after paying thousands for her to go on a trip w me a year ago. So I can complete relate to you. At the same time, I have noticed that when I was trying to date w herpes, those emotional baggage issues were coning out earlier and more intensely, than w out. This made me realize I needed to step away from dating and get comfortable w me... The good, the bad and the ugly. I had to learn to stop giving a fuck about what anyone else thinks of me. It definitely does make it harder, but I do believe that the ones who bolt, were just looking for sez, because of reasons you've said and things my friends w heroes tells me. The men say it's a deal breaker for a relationship, but they were OK w sleeping together... Usually just once of course... I think they figure their chances of a one time encounter are so low, compared to multiple encounters. May I ask how long you are waiting to disclose to these men?
  18. I am curious to hear from current/ex partners who chose to have relations w someone they knew was infectedinfected and how they felt once they learned they were infected? -Were you devastated? - did you feel resentment towards the other person? - have you ever fought dirty and threw it in their face when hurt/angry? - do you regret taking that risk and had you know now what you do, would you go back and choose not to take that risk? - was it hard to get passed be in infected? - did you secretly harbor anger for them? No judgment on my part. I just like to prepare myself for worse case scenarios, in the event I ever have to deal w it. Thanks so much for your input, it is much appreciated.
  19. I apologize for being so blunt (kind of my style), but I was highly disturbed and disgusted by reading his responses and behavior. {Insert virtual barf here}. The whole thing screamed red flag to me and there is something there underlying, I can't quite put my finger on right now. There is most definitely something there he's been hiding, that's at the core of who he really is. Almost sociopathic like tendencies... Something just feels off girl. I know it doesn't feel that way Noe, but I'm confident you will. I'm so sorry someone has treated you that way. Fie the record, I've had zero sexual contact take place of any kind w my anus and I broke out there too. Herpes don't care! The sacral ganglia cluster where herpes lives has a web of peripheral sensory nerves web off of that cluster going to our anogential area (lower back, base of aping, anus, vagina, penis, sceotum, buttock, thighs, pelvic region) . I try to listen to this video when I feel bummed and start feeling like I am missing out on someone. Watch "Tyler Perry Medea advice" on YouTube https://youtu.be/OsB7SCUMkY0 I seriously believe you dodged a bullet here.
  20. @saws I agree w everything everyone has said in here. What part of the vow "in sickness and in health" did he miss? Clearly till death do us apart means nothing to him. If he wasn't going to leave you for this, then he was going to find another out and he may have been thinking that already and this was the perfect excuse. I married young and when he left me for another women, less than a yr after marriage I was devastated. I remember my sister telling me to be grateful it happened now and not ten yrs later and w kids. That it would have been so much worse. I responded back w my ignorant young naievity, that I'd rather it'd been ten yrs later. Wow! How stupid does that sound!? Thank god he left my life so soon, because we were not meant to be and I couldn't imagine 11yrs later, being w someone like him. I wouldn't even give him a second glance, let alone a first! I found this video the other day and wow! It is so powerful. When people walk out your life and don't want to be in it anymore, let them! He was meant for a season, not a lifetime! Listen ytoo this video over and over! Watch "Tyler Perry Medea advice" on YouTube https://youtu.be/OsB7SCUMkY0
  21. Hahahah! That made me laugh! I'm just amazed at how people choose to be ignorant on purpose, so they cannot have accountability on it
  22. And then if they still think they know better and react poorly to you providing proof, as if you're a know it all?
  23. I'm finind a disturbing trend among men I've spoke to who are H+, disregarding this notion and stating they don't think it to be true and is all rubbish. This was convo recently took place w someone I met on a H dating site. Shocker, like it seems a lot of them do, eventually end up propositioning you for sex. I told him I couldn't imagine myself ever being w someone who believes condoms are to protect him from herpes, let alone HPV and view him as a health risk. He claims he's done much research on this and has spoken to doctors about it and I know that's just a load of Bs. I know debating the issue further, will make me being a female come off as a bitch, as it seems most men struggle w a knowledgeable female. I just HATE! HATW HATE HATE!! FALSE information being spread around. I have found that the men in the H+ positive sites, just go straight into trying to have sex e you more than a guy you mee t other ways. I have not met up w any guy that has approached me w that, NIR have I been w anyone physically since my diagnosis. I almost feel like the H + men, have less respect for an H+ woman and think she'll be promiscuous. .anyone else experience this? What are you supposed to day when someone rejects this information about condoms? To me, I feel someone who has information at their fingertips and reject such a notion based on their opinion, is choosing so, because then it takes the fun out of things and having to. Be more responsible.. I've found this w the vast majority of men when yiu discuss STDs w them and this was pretty H for me, as well post H. What is wrong w people today? So hard not to be disgusted w humanity. I feel it is intentionally choosing to be ignorant, because then they aren't "responsible". Losing faith in men altogether at this point. Alls they want is sex and having H, makes it easier to spot those lightly treaded innuendos men try to sneak inin, that normally when you're not thinking about STD risks, would be overlooked.. Classic case of herpes wingman I guess. I'm glad for it giving that to me, but I seriously have lost all hope in men at this point. I am convinced sex feels better for them, to be such animals about it. :-(
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