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  1. Glad it worked out @im44 He sounds like a smart, sincere dude.
  2. Not sure if this is the case in your particular situation because everyone is different in many different ways...but, a lot of guys do this to women they actually like/care for. We think by telling you how we feel and putting our secondary brain on the back burner we are showing you our intentions and that we want more than just sex.
  3. I agree with 2legits last sentence. That's what I'm doing. At the very least I'll meet an opposite gender friend nearby going through the same thing. You can definetly tell most people are on guard on that website though. From the people I've talked to they were surprised I didn't send them a pic of my manhood or didn't have a profile pic where I was shirtless and covered in baby oil
  4. I had debated joining one. I'm 29 and all my friends are in relationships with their forever person, engaged, or married and having kids. And here I am with H. I've thought joining a site where I didn't have to disclose to the guy would be easy but I still feel awkward. I've done regular dating sites and feel awkward there too haha. Anyways, the point is dating is awkward but it's good you're putting yourself out there. At least the disclosure part will be over. Have you talked to anyone on there? Or just feel awkward in general benign on it? I was diagnosed a year ago (this coming week actually) and still haven't wanted to fully jump back into the dating scene! But maybe soon! Can't be the only single girl in my group of friends for too long! :) It is awkward! But I think it's awkward because I feel like a cyber creep rather than H related. Just hard to intrigue someone by a typed word. I have met a couple people and they are pretty awesome, but there are others out there just hunting for a quick one. Guess that's to be expected though.
  5. I just joined one of those dating websites for people with STDs etc. has anyone else done one of these and have an opinion? Feels very awkward so far.
  6. Not sure if your male or female but I'd love a pen pal to discuss issues etc.. 29 male here
  7. @2legit2quit I Ruck marched all the time and did physical training at the very least equal to the army. Just because we have the stigma of chair force doesn't mean we don't have "MOS's" that aren't physical. I did all of that with a guaranteed slot before I left meps and flat feet (insert waiver here). It's historically way easier to enter into the army with any waiver as well. This why you saw tons of large men at meps using hemhroid cream and Saran Wrap or neck tattoos.
  8. @lostgirlx if you need any advice just hit me up. If I don't know I can find out. I have 4 friends that are active recruiters currently
  9. @2Legit2quit has a great point with the doctors note but, I've been in the Air Force 10 years with extremely flat feet. Air Force is one of the harder branches to get into so it's not that big of a deal, just a waiver boat for everything.
  10. @WCSDancer2010 Dang, because I tried to download the image and it wouldn't let me. Would make for a great tattoo
  11. @ajw629 your story gives hope to others that are currently waiting to give the same news. Right on bud, good for you and I hope it goes the way you want it!
  12. As someone who just found out they are in the opposite role as you (had it for at least 3 months and just got had first OB/diagnosed yesterday) and needs to disclose, just be honest. If he's any sort of man and if he loves you as much as you love him it will work itself out. He can get tested and his igG result will tell the story.
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