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Confusion about genital hsv 1 recurrences and herpes transmission

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I got herpes back in march and found out what i had in August. From what I've read online hsv 1 should only recur once or twice in the first year. But i am on my third outbreak. It isn't as painful down there anymore but i am also still experiencing nausea and cold chills with my outbreaks. Will all this really get better after the first year? And something else. If i have it genitally however its hsv 1 im upset because my daughters have drank after me before i knew i had this. My two yr old has even gotten into the bathroom and was play using my toothbrush instead of hers. I jerked it out as soon as i saw it but I'm very scared about this. I really don't want my family to know about this and i also want to keep my kids safe from this. Do i need to wipe down my toilet seat if my kids need to use it right after me? I heard it is not likely for the virus to transmit from there but what are the odds. I try not to let my 9 yr old see me wiping down the toilet seat cuz it would raise awkward conversations as to why I'm wiping it down now more often. Thanks for any help and suggestions and i appreciate yall having me here.

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Yeah, definitely watch the whole video when Dr. Leone came to our support group in Raleigh. You can't pass herpes unless it's skin-to-skin contact and a lot of friction during viral shedding. You're not as infectious as you think you are. :) Here's the video:



... and here are some other links to help you out with these basics:




This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thank yall so much for the info. The video keeps freezing up on my phone but those other links helped a lot. It seems there's not as much info on hsv 1 genitally cuz my blood tests show i have hsv 1. however never had a cold sore on my mouth. Its definitely in the nether regions. I was negative for all the other stuff hsv2 hiv and all the stis. But my online studying it says hsv 1 should be less recurring than hsv 2 and i saw where flu like symptons where normal but with yalls personal experience do these flu like symptons happen every time with an outbreak or do they go away? Because i know the genital attack on my nether regions have drastically reduced with this third time thank the great spirit for that. But i hate feeling tired and sick with no energy just as much. Did yall have these same issues and if so did these issure also lessen. I keep hoping its true when i hit that year marker i won't get anymore outbreaks but from what I'm undertanding from the online articles is that pretty much its not the same for anyone.

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I've had only one outbreak so far.

In my experience it feels like a flu is about to come on but never happens. I feel really tired and run down. The night before I got diagnosed I slept for12 hours or so.

I get a bit achy and in addition I got these weird sharp pains in my toes and leg on the same side where my outbreak was. This makes sense because it travels along the nerves.

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Hey PeachYogurt! (love the name, by the way)


There's info on one of the handouts about the viral shedding rates of genital HSV-1. 3-5% shedding rate for genital HSV-1 vs. 15-30% shedding rate for genital HSV-2. Generally, since HSV-1 prefers the oral mucous membrane, it sheds less often and will therefore translate to less outbreaks over the course of your life when compared to genital HSV-2. Everything else you read about "genital herpes" applies to both genital HSV-1 and genital HSV-2.


But ultimately the nature of your future outbreaks are based on your immune system how your future outbreaks lessen in frequency and intensity. So what a great excuse to take care of yourself, eat healthy and think healthy! ;) Some people's immune systems are naturally lower than others, but you can always make yours the best it can possibly be.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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