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First herpes outbreak last week. Now 2 herpes outbreaks in a row?

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You're welcome! Having a pretty shitty day myself, and walking through it with purpose and intention. I've cried, gotten really angry, sat silent and numb, and laughed my ass off in one day...all over H! I'm not PMSing, not battling depression, and not addicted to any substance, SO the only explanation for today is that I'M NORMAL!!! LOL!


Having another o/b, but OB/GYN can't work me in 'til next week. Still may not get an accurate swab. I'm thinking it's time to change Drs if he can't make an active o/b w/weepy blisters a priority for a small time slot to swab!


Almost everything I've read says o/b s start out bad and get better. Mine have been the opposite. I started with just a few blisters, and they've gotten progressively worse.


I'm just SO thankful for this site, and for a place to discover and just be me!



Ya know, I don't know about where you live but around here there are STD testing clinics where all they do are STD tests. Like this one www.stdtestexpress.com ... or you could go to Planned Parenthood. If anything both those places will be a LOT more used to dealing with Herpes and will be able to give you better advice/info given that's all they do :p

  • 8 months later...

Hello, is been nearly a year since I posted and I wanted to say hi and give an update on my progress. I have not had a single OB since my first one. I went to the Dr when I thought I was having another and he looked and said I was being paranoid.


Since my Dx/outbreak I have returned to eating everything I used to. Coffee even. I don't limit myself on anything due to fear of an outbreak. I have had a very stressful life, lost my house, separated from my husband, moved across a few states, had 2 surgeries and gotten a new job. I have done all of this without taking any suppressive meds or changing my life in any way.


I am kinda wondering why? Not that I am complaining, but I thought that I'd have more issues?

Why haven't I broken out like so many do? Why can I eat and drink as I want with out worrying about an ob?


I am in a new relationship with someone who isn't H+ and he still wants me. I am afraid that I will give it to him though. He says he is willing to risk it, but how do I keep that risk to a minimum? I intend to start taking acyclovir every day, but what else do I do?


Also, how do I know if I have H1 or H2?



Anyways I just wanted to say thanks for being there for me when I needed it and see if anyone had any answers about why I am the way I am as far as ob goes


Don't wonder why!!! Celebrate! Shit, I wish I was you....and so do a lot of people on here!


Why are you questioning how great you have it....thank the heavens LOL!!!!


Keep the risk to a minimum by going on antivirals and using condoms, depending on what you have hsv1 or hsv2, the rates change, but you can get it pretty low. Lots of couples been married for many years and have never given it to the other....of course, don't have sex during prodomes or noticeable outbreaks.


Do a blood test to determine what type you have and also have your partner test so you can determine what you both have and what precautions you need to take.


good luck


Welcome back!


Also, how do I know if I have H1 or H2?


Well, it would be a good idea to find out which one you have but by the way it's acting, I'd guess you have H1 ... which sheds and has OB's a lot less than H2. That might explain why you have not had OB's but then again, H doesn't play by rules and some who have H1 genitally have a lot of OB's to start ... Herpes doesn't play by any *rules* which is how it's so successful because it can effectively hide in one person but knock another completely out of their skin :(

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