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Relaxation exercises to control my anger?

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I am sure it's a very individual thing, but for me during my last o/b...

I got a cup of "tension tamer" tea (by Celestial Seasonings) with honey - my fav

Turned on my music (Meditation Music - the album dated April 22, 2013 -purchased album from iTunes)

BREATHE - it's true, as much as I used to mock it...I don't breathe properly when I'm seriously stressed out! I make myself expand my belly as pull my breath in deeply, leaving my chest to expand last with the inhale...hold for a sec, then gently push the breath out by pulling my belly muscles in first, slowly exhale, and again, my chest is the last to come down on the exhale. Pause at a rate that's comfortable and repeat.


By doing these three things together, I've lowered my blood pressure, slowed my heart rate, even fell asleep in my chair once. Clearly I SHOULD be doing this tonight, seeing as how I'm wide awake at 3:20 in the morning!


I've used any one of the three when out in the midst of a hectic daytime experience, and have always been helped by the proactive choice.


Best wishes! I sure hope you find something that works for you! Hugs to you!

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Sab.... ((HUGS)) ... I totally hear your frustration and anger. I find that I get angry when I feel out of control... of a situation, my emotions, whatever.


The feeling of being out of control comes from my "attachment" to a situation.... how someone "should" act, how life "should" be, why a guy "should" just get over it when I disclose (MAJOR trigger for me!) , whatever. While I am not a Buddhist, I do find that much of what they say and preach resonates with me, and most especially their teachings about attachment. Eckhart Tolle also teaches a lot about letting go of attachment. Or from "Letting Go of Attachment, from A to Zen" http://zenhabits.net/zen-attachment/


"“Most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities.” ~Dalai Lama"


So while breathing will help (breathe in sloooowly through the nose, allow your chest to expand and your stomach to relax.... then exhale slowly through a relaxed mouth....), in the end, I find that I have to search for what I am attached to, and let THAT go.


Ie, for me: I have to accept what is, and what isn't. The past is the past. I can't change that.


I have no control over how other people will react if I tell them I have H. (I have to say I am actually pleasantly surprised though at the positive response to my coming out...perhaps we are all misjudging everyone else? At least those who matter to us???). So I have let go of my attachment of how a guy *should* react when I disclose to him... because it is that attachment that is bringing my anger and sadness out (I have a HUGE issue with abandonment!) ... it is currently *my* biggest battle :(


I have to accept that life isn't fair (I am currently dealing with my father's fragile mental state which is largely thanks to having been trapped in London during the Blitz and seeing things no 14 year old should have seen...talk about NOT FAIR!). So I work on letting go of how my father *should* be and accept him for who he is. I would love for him to sell his house and move to a retirement community for his mental and physical health and safety, but he won't, and it's when I get attached to my opinion that he "needs to move" that I get upset.


Can you see where I am coming from? And remember, for every minute you are angry, you give up 60 seconds of peace of mind.


Letting go of attachments and the resulting anger takes a LOT of practice.... but for me it's been the most life altering thing I have ever done. Perhaps Herpes came into your life to teach this to you (or it may be something totally different... only YOU can figure that one out :) )


And BTW, it's also perfectly natural to go through this angry stage.... it's all part of the journey to healing and acceptance....


A HUUUUGE cyber ((((((HUG))))))) to you.....



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I like to watch the fish in my fish tank or my lava lamp. i also like watching running lights on a christmas tree. There is also this song its my favorite relaxation song called dont go back to sleep by vision 2 spirit of rumi. you can youtube ut it was still on there last i checked. i also like tge one called seek in you heart. new age music is really awesome for just zoning out in front if the lava lamp or fish tank. Some other new age groups you might have heard if is enya enigma and deep forest.

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