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Herpes antiviral medication, outbreaks and altitude?

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Hello Community!


I've got a couple big climbing trips coming up in the next few months at some significant altitude, and the last thing I want is a herpes outbreak when I'm on a mountain with limited resources to do anything about it. Anyone know how antivirals might react at higher altitudes? For example, does it affect blood flow/circulation which could lend to greater susceptibility to frostbite, etc?

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The specific medication questions would be more for your doctor to answer since we aren't doctors, but in general anything that creates more stress to your immune system can make you more susceptible to herpes outbreaks. That doesn't mean you will get one, but if you take care of yourself and don't OVERSTRESS your body, then your immune system will help you out. It's healthy to work your body out. Stressing our bodies within reason is how we become stronger. But it's when we don't take care of our bodies that our immune systems suffer.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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