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Oral HSV 2

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Good Morning Everyone!


I am 27 years old & I live in Victoria BC Canada & I would love to meet someone in my area for a coffee or walk but I am also open to chatting with anyone anywhere as I travel often. 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Oral HSV 2. My situation is a little different as I only performed oral sex on the infected person. Sure enough 5 days later I woke up with an extremely sore throat, when I looked in the back of my throat with a flash light I found blisters. I went to my doctor and found out that I have oral HSV 2. I have had constant anxiety and stress since being diagnosed and feel very alone. I have read a bit about oral HSV 2 online and am under the impression that HSV 2 outbreaks in the throat are not very common? I just really need someone to talk to that can relate to my situation, I'm almost positive that my best friend is tired of listening to me as she isn't in the same boat. I'd appreciate any support or feed back!


Thank You!

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First - welcome! Glad you found us!


Your anxiety is normal and as you learn more and live with H you will find that it will get better with time. You certainly are not alone!


I have to admit I know very little about HSV2 oral but I do know I am hearing about an increasing number of cases where Herpes (as well as Chlamydia and HPV) are being found in throat cultures. Likely it's been there all along and the connection is just now being made.


Hopefully Adrial or Dr_h_positive may have something more concrete for you....



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Hi HopefulVictoria!


Welcome! Yes, oral HSV2 is very, very rare, actually. Only 1-2% of all HSV-2 is oral (meaning the rest of the 98-99% of all HSV-2 is genital). How did the doctor test to make sure it was HSV-2? Did they stick a swab down your throat and do a culture? Or did they do a blood test?


The good news is that even in those rare 1-2% chance occurrences where HSV-2 does spread orally, the viral shedding (anytime it's not an active oral HSV-2 outbreak) only happens 1% of the time. HSV-2 prefers being on the genitals, so it doesn't express itself that much orally when it does find it's way there.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Hi Adrial!


Thank you SO much for responding as I have literally been beside myself. My doctor did a "Herpes Swab" that was sent to the BC Centre For Disease Control. It took about a week and then my doctor called me to say my test result was positive for HSV 2. As I don't have it down stairs I am concerned of being intimate with someone again and passing it. My doctor also said that he doesn't want me to take medication daily only if an outbreak does happen to occur. It pretty much felt as if I had strep throat and he treated me with 5 days of valtrex.

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If it's just in your throat, then it won't magically travel downstairs unless you scratch your throat when the virus is active and then scratch your genitals. So, since the virus only sheds 1% of the time and only 1-2% of all HSV-2 is oral, you get to tell your partners there's quite a small chance of spreading herpes to them if you give a blowjob and an even smaller chance of spreading herpes to them via kissing.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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You may want to get Chlamydia and HPV checked too (and BTW, almost everyone gets HPV at some point or other in their life). Those are not normally checked for so even if he had been "tested" he may not have been checked for them (in fact, men can't be checked for HPV).


Not to alarm you - but better to just get your full status checked ... which we should all do anyway ..




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Thank You! I just have never been through any of this before so I feel so lost. I have swollen glands in my neck for the past three weeks but I am assuming that is normal with a first herpes outbreak? My doctor says that my throat looks normal now and has cleared up but I have been doing a lot of reading about HSV 2 and HIV and now he is testing me for it I am very very scared. I mean all of this for a blowjob? My doctor said it can be a low risk to get HIV from giving a blowjob but I did obtain Oral HSV 2 from the sperm & I didn't know he was infected so now I'm panicking that he might have something far worse. :( I can't talk to this person either he is a complete jerk and said some awful things to me when I confronted him. I know flu like symptoms are a sign of HIV but I'm sure I'd experience them with just a herpes outbreak too like I did? I can't believe I am waiting for my test results to come back now it was bad enough waiting on the H result to find out it was positive. I'm just very very very afraid.

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Yes - the glands nearest the outbreak often swell up. And flu like symptoms are very common - my ex always got them when he broke out ...yet I never did. And he never got the "real" flu either...it was the only time he'd be sick like that ... every body is different in how it reacts to the virus.


And here is a conversation we just had regarding HSV and HIV



Interesting you have to wait for the HIV test - where I am its an oral swab and they tell you 20 min later :/


BTW, Herpes has a way of showing you who the jerks are in your life.


Again... BREATHE ... right now it's a precaution. Don't make it bigger than it is until you know the results ... (((HUGS)))


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Yes unfortunately my doctor sent me for blood work and I won't have the results until Friday or Monday. So that means more days of stress and anticipation. I hate the internet because you can literally self diagnose yourself with everything under the sun. The thing that is really scaring me the most is that the Internet is saying that oral HSV 2 is usually found in people with un compromised immune systems, such a ppl with HIV etc. I just want my further test results to come back negative so I can move on with my life. I physically & mentally can't take anymore and my poor family is suffering because of it too.

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You may have just got unlucky and already had some kind of cold coming on that made your glands already mildly inflamed. Who knows?


Do you get colds/flu easily? If not, you probably just a big-assed does of bad luck. If you do get sick easily, you may want to look into what could be causing that. For instance, your adrenal glands may be exhausted from other stressors. It's pretty common in our modern world.


Again, try to just breathe, have a nice hot bath, go for a walk, anything to take your mind off things until you get the results.



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Thank you for responding. I do just need to calm down until I get my results because it isn't healthy for my H situation for me to be stressing like this. I don't usually get sick easily, I'm usually relatively healthy with the odd cold here and there. I have just stressed and read so much that I don't know what to think anymore. I was recently somewhere warm for 10 days and did have some night sweats while I was there. I am most positive that is because of the hot climate I was in and as I said before my gland in my neck was really swollen and I did have a bit of a rash on the left side of my neck behind my ear. It could just all be a coincidence I don't know but I am literally driving myself crazy. I thought being diagnosed with Oral HSV 2 was bad enough and now this. *Sigh*

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Hey Hopeful,


If you want to ease your mind on the part of HIV there is a site called aids Vancouver they give good advice about hiv.

I was scared too but what i read there and the responce on my mail from the callcenter did set my mind at ease,so i could destress a bit.

Stress can give a lot of unwanted symptones in your situation because your body and mind are on high alert and you are super sensitive and feeling everything 10 times beter that otherwise.

Please try to relax it will do you and your body well.

For the H problem try to see it as it is a skin disease its not a plesant one but it does not change you as an person.


Take care Hopeful,

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Hi Pat66!


Thank You for your response! I do agree with you in the sense that our mind and bodies can play tricks on us especially in situations like these. It's the waiting part that destroys me. I did go to the out patient clinic at the hospital today to have my blood work done in hopes of a speedier response. I'm trying to function as best I can in between but after seeing my doctor this morning my anxiety is through the roof again. The Oral HSV 2 I can accept but HIV! I am terrified! I am a good person and I really can't believe all of this is happening from 10 mins of oral sex! I am going to check out that website - Thank You!

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