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For the ladies (a poem)

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Boy meets woman. And, so it starts. Attraction. Connection. Could this be more? He’s free-spirited. He’s worldly. He’s smart. He’s interested. And, he’s really frickin' cute.


It begins, the relationship that won’t last. Where free-spirited becomes free loader. Or, worldly, becomes uncomfortably explorative to anything you aren’t into and yet he claims he’s "open". Smart turns into I still live with my mum or I call my dog, my wife. Cute (frickin' even) is relative to his span of interest and subsequently the consequent of yours.


Once the interest has faded, is there really more? No. There is not. Ladies, emotionally unavailable men are not only self-sabotaging but poison for us. Only, because they are hurtful.


Self respect. Be a DIVA holding her hand up to the sky screaming, “NO” in, a rage, fight. Fight for you, deserving, gorgeous, would never do that in a million year, intuitive you. He is only temporary on your long path in many years to come.


The best in your journey is yet to come.


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