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I get herpes outbreaks once a month - suggested herpes treatments?

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Im in the UK and your Gum clinic deffo your best option. I went there and have had nothing but positive experience with clued up understanding doctors /nurses. I had continual outbreaks for months and so in Sep they gave me suppressive ( Aciclovir) with a lovely topical cooling gel ! the suppressive has worked and for 3 months not had outbreaks only the occasional tingle ect. I was afraid because they said we will do 3 months and maybe take me off. But I went back a few weeks ago and the Doc said as your still having tingles and its a horrid time of year and with stress from a new job we will keep you on it and think about taking you off in summer when immune systems are generally better and your stress level is lower ( I will be on six weeks hol as teacher) because when you first come off suppress its common to get an aggressive break out. very understanding people and never once made me feel ashamed dirty ect in fact quite the opposite !! good luck xx

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There are differing opinions about whether you stay on supressive therapy after your first OB or not. I would say it depends. If you are in a relationship, they by all means stay on them. If you are not, then a lot will depend on your particular OB's - whether they are tolerable, how often you get them, where they show up, etc. I would say if you can be off them when you are not in a relationship, and let your body build up it's own immunity, then go that route. I'm single at the moment and I only use them if I think I might be having an OB and I find that they knock it right out with only a few doses.


In the end you have to find what works for you...what fits your health beliefs and your needs regarding work, emotional health, relationships, etc....


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Well I guess since I am new to this I will stay on the suppressive therapy for him.. But if things end up not working out then I will take myself off of them so that I can build up immunity. Also maybe after a year I will talk to him about me getting off of them because I need to allow my immunities to build up anyways.

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I agree with you all.... but my problem is that after 10 years, I would have thought my body would have built up it's immunity and got this under control..... It's not even that I lead a particularly stressful lifestyle.... It's just that my OBs have been so frequent and extreme that I don't know what else to do..... I'm not even sure what they'll suggest for me..... I've had enough... : (

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sadgirl - this is why you need to see a specialist..and you may have to try a couple different ones to find out why you can't seem to get it under control. If the GUM clinic can't help you, you may need to work with either an infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, or even a Rheumatologist .... there are so many things that could be out of balance that could be causing you to not get the immunity building up. You need to stand up for yourself and demand that they keep looking for the cause.


I'll be crossing my fingers for you my friend :)

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This is a support group. It's ok to unload and get everything on the table. Negative and positive, that's what groups like this are for.


Question: Have you tried 125 mg of Aspirin daily? I was reading earlier that some people with really annoying bodymates like yours had seen some positive results from trying that. Not sure how it works, but there were some studies that showed the anti-inflammatory effects of the aspirin allowed the bodies immune system to focus on the herpes and get it under control. Might be worth talking to a specialist about.

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