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STE's - Sexually Transmitted Emotions

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I spent last night talking to a well hung butch lesbian in a bar not far from my apartment. Seriously, this woman had the longest tongue and biggest fingers I've ever seen. We talked about a lot of things and as we talked I realized just how tough she really was. To say she kick starts her own vibrator and rolls her own tampons would be an understatement.


Aside from the fact we both had a bit of facial hair and love sleeping with women, we didn't have all that much in common. But guys, let me tell you that if you're ever having trouble figuring out how to please a woman, don't ask your girlfriend or your wife what to do. Seriously, ask a lesbian. The suggestions she gave me in one evening would make Dr. Ruth blush and fill up the pages of Cosmo for a month.


But, I digress. The reality is that last night this butch lesbian convinced me that I can in fact live with herpes. Yep, having a permanent STD sucks, but it's manageable and, well, I'll be honest in saying that since the "Big H" specter has passed that it's scaring me less and less.


And, I realized that what really bothers me the most right now is the Sexually Transmitted Emotions (STE's) that came with herpes. That's the part of having this particular STD that really sucks because with each prodome, each blister, each annoying little itch I'm reminded of the weekend my health got clipped. I'm reminded of my own lapse in judgment. I'm reminded of how I opened my heart up to someone who stomped on it. And, I'm reminded that until there is a vaccine I'll have to include the STD disclosure in the pillow talk long before the candles have been lit and the flower petals strewn about. And, that hurts. That stings far worse than the physical symptoms because it adds a layer of complexity to my sex life.


So, how am I going to deal with it? I'm going to laugh about it. I'm going to laugh in the face of stigma. And, I've decided that each time I disclose, it's going to start out the same way...


So, a guy walks into a bar...

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if you're ever having trouble figuring out how to please a woman, don't ask your girlfriend or your wife what to do. Seriously, ask a lesbian.


Seriously - this is spot on. When I was in massage school one (well, several) of our instructors were lesbians. One of them also taught a sorta "Sex Ed" class for men who wanted to learn more about how to please their women.... her reason was simple. She felt sorry for us straight women because she had figured out most men have NO idea about female anatomy when it comes (so to speak) to getting to the big O. Suffice it to say we LOVED her for it :)

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Thanks Harry. Sometimes I actually have days where I completely forget that I have it, and then it comes back into my mind like "oh yeah, I'm still here, fucking with you". I haven't even had an outbreak in almost two years but it's come into my mind space almost every day! Now that's a messed up result of the stigma.

I told someone recently, and he didn't care, but there were other issues. I'm going to try to take the high road and not mention his personality. Was a big relief that someone I was interested in didn't care. He just wasn't the right one.

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