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Suppressive therapy: Antivirals for possible asymptomatic herpes

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I'm thinking of taking antivirals incase I shed herpes asymptomatically. How much should I take? Is it a reduced amount if I have no herpes symptoms? Want to protect partner.


I think if you are asymptomatic, you should take 1000 mg of L-Lysine twice a day. My doctor told me that if I was asymptomatic he wouldn't even prescribe me the antivirals because they kill the immune system.


Hmmm - I have mixed feelings about the "asymptomatic" thing .... the whole point of the supressive drugs is because you don't know when you are shedding....


I would take the antivirals for a year at least - get your body healthy and learn your prodromes.... take the lysine too and then IF you and your partner feel you want to get off the drugs (or cut back) do it once you have a really good sense of your prodromes and triggers.


Hi, Rene/All


I understand how you feel. I want to protect a partner as well. I worry more about transmission and protection than OB. My OB have been very minor; two OB with one blister only each time...thankfully. My doctor has me on Valacyclovir (500 mg. daily). Originally he told me that I didn't need daily meds unless I was feeling an OB and/or if I was in a relationship to protect my partner from transmission. I told him I felt more comfortable taking it daily for both reasons since this is new to me and I'm in my first year of it. My doctor is great. Talk to your doctor and see which med is best for you.


I also take 1000 mg. of L-Lysine daily and just started back on Olive Leaf Extract which is suppose to cut down on shedding and boost immunity along with other things. I'm not ready to go off of meds and do the all natural thing yet. I just feel more comfortable taking something daily that is specifically for the H, for now, along with added things to help. Anyone try coconut oil? I've read some great things about it as far as healing purposes for OB and boosting immunity and it sounds great for lots of other things too.


?? to all...Does the meds really lower your immune system? I was under the impression that the virus did that? Does taking the Val meds and L-Lysine together daily help by reducing shedding even more?


I think I will go on the meds as I have been getting itchy bumps on my iner thigh : ( I suspect I have an outbreak on my inner thigh now. Have had it many times before but I didn't realize. I seem to get it everywhere that's exposed despite a condom!


The meds don't lower your immune system - they just halt the progress of the virus so your body doesn't end up making as much antibodies against it.... so it's *possible* that when you come off you could go through a spell of OB's while your body adjusts... but I personally have been on them twice for extended periods and didn't notice a difference when I came off them...


Meds+Lysine *may* reduce shedding more but there are not studies - it's just a theoretical idea because both fight the virus from different angles so it *might* do more when you use both.


@Rene... Uh - friend ... the condom doesn't cover your thighs ;) THAT is why we keep trying to educate people that condoms only reduce your risk of transmission by 50% at best. Whoever you got it from likely had it on their thighs/crotch area.....


Im on valtrex 1 x a daily but period is hear and I get hormonal break outs that time mth.


Itching like a mother!!!


Doc says tingle down leg or intense itching do 2x a day for 3 days get it to cool down.

Still itching like mad 2nd day in grrr

But no sores or bumps

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