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Down in the dumps.

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My emotions are completely out of control. Yesterday and the day before, I had great days. Today, on the other hand, I just have the urge to cry. Earlier today, a friend of mine asked me what happen between my ex and I. I had been avoiding her since the day it happen. She is unaware of my diagnosis and I plan on keeping it like that. So I told my ex the reason I was going to tell people we were together (even though he went ahead and told his whole family I have Herpes). Well when I told my friend the "story", she was trying to gives advice on the situation. It just upset me. :(


Part of it is also just because my ex is just living his life like I never existed or shall I say we were never in a relationship. But he sends me stupid snapchats acting like he wants to be my friend. I know if it was meant to be, he would support me and I wouldn't be crying about him. Part of me still just keeps remember what he told me when he said we could work it out.. I guess it is just wishful thinking that is never going to occur. =..[

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As I already posted to another thread, Herpes is a great wing-man and your H-friend just showed you his true colors. He told his whole family???.... That's class 1 JERK behavior there. Block him on snapchat and tell him to leave you alone. His behavior is uncalled for and cruel. Don't let him have that kind of power over you.


Regarding your friend - hey - she's just trying to help. I bet if you told her the truth instead of the story, she'd be there for you :)

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Sorry the rest didn't send..


My friends and I used to home around saying "well if you tell me a secret, you know my best fronds is going to know too"... I consider her one of my best friends, but she has other best friends as well.. So I feel like she may tell them..

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Wow, that was really low of him. But if there's one thing my diagnosis has taught me it's that A LOT of people have herpes type 1 or 2 and don't know it. That information alone is helping me keep my head up. Like WCS said a true friend won't tell. I know exactly who my true friends are and they know my status and I'm confident that information won't be leaked.

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Hold you head up high! I can't believe he had the nerve to tell his whole family - that really is an assh*ole move. You dodged a bullet with that one. Can you imagine if it were something "actually" serious? I am not knocking on the physical and emotional roller coaster of (h) but it's not life threatening like some things out there.


Do you think you could trust him to be responsible and be a stand-up guy then? He is trying to friend you to make himself feel better. If I were you, I would block all contact and carry on with my life. Go out! Have a blast! Go to the movies. And you know what? Take this time to get comfortable with yourself. So what if you watch a movie by yourself? So what if you go out to dinner by yourself? It takes a lot of strength to be still with yourself and your thoughts. Alternately, Throw a party with some close friends and keep it going. Someone like your ex isn't worth your time or effort. You are too precious a person to be bruised by a brute like him. x ~ me

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